“I’m not letting you get out of marrying me, Captain Kidd,” she said firmly, opening the door regardless… and saw him look over her shoulder as a his mouth fell open.

Calista looked behind her, expecting to see some sea monster or a wall of water coming to obliterate the wooden ship… but never expected what was waiting.

Along the hallway towards the stairs that emptied onto the upper deck, was the entire crew – except Purple. Each of them was holding a colored handkerchief, tied to something… making a makeshift flower.

Marie handed her the orange one – Calista’s own color – and she choked out a tearful laugh, sharing a knowing smile with the woman.

“Hey, we do what we can to accommodate the needs of the ship,” Marie smiled tearfully, hugging her – and then Will.

The orange handkerchief was tied into a floral shape on a plastic fork with a pipe-cleaner that was green in color. Looking up, she realized that each of the crew had done the same with their colored bandanas… so she had a bouquet.

Shepherd was standing at the end of the hallway, waiting with a bible in his hands, smiling at them.

“Shep…” Will’s hoarse voice was telling, and he was clenching her hand, trying to keep himself together as they walked slowly down the hallway. At each person, they received a hug and a simple ‘congratulations’ from everyone… as well as a few looks.

Will wasn’t in costume at all, and she had to look like a bedraggled urchin – but she wouldn’t have this moment any other way. Smiling proudly, she accepted each ‘flower’, putting the plastic cutlery together in her hand to form a bouquet of colorful bandanas.

Stepping in front of Shepherd, Will glanced at Calista almost as if he was afraid that she would back out or he was dreaming. She was touched that he felt so strongly and had hidden it so well, marveling at the differences between them – and relishing it.

Her first marriage she had dated Jack for months on end, then they were engaged for over a year, with an elaborate wedding… however – Will just seemed to fit her so well, and all of this was so unexpected.


She didn’t need the massive dress, elaborate ceremony, nor long engagement period. She had meant it when she told Will under the stars that she didn’t need some drawn-out relationship, there were no rules to follow when it came to love and emotions, and she certainly didn’t need to follow a guideline to her second chance at happily ever after.

She had always known her own mind, and all of this felt so right.


“Who gives this woman, to this man in matrimony?” Shepherd began – and the hallway was filled with a triumphant cry from everyone around them, causing Will and Calista to smile at each other.

“Their crew does!”

It wasn’tten minutes later, they were hugging everyone once more, thanking them for this gesture neither would ever forget. Calista refused to give back the plastic cutlery and the bandanas, making everyone laugh.

“The bride is not giving back her flowers, no matter if they are combed cotton or real petals,” Calista laughed merrily, catching Will’s warm smile.

“You two are going to catch your death of pneumonia!” Marie chastised, urging them back down the hallway towards Will’s cabin. “I’ll bring another kettle of hot water – and we’ll see you both tomorrow.”

Jared laughed from nearby, putting a hand on Marie’s shoulder as she frowned.

“That’s sexual harassment according to my HR manuals.”

“Chuck ’em out a port hole, honey…” Jared murmured, kissing her tenderly on the temple as the woman closed her eyes happily.

“Why don’t you two have Shepherd marry you?” Calista invited, and saw the couple take a look at each other, sharing a secretive smile.

“I’ve asked her,” Jared said quietly, not looking upset in the slightest and Marie finished his sentence.

“He’s asked – and I’m not ready yet. I had a horrible marriage before, with a worse divorce. I’m afraid to disturb something so perfect, so unexpected between us, that I would rather things stay the same than to have a piece of paper change it.”

“Don’t you want your marriage, your relationship, blessed by the church?”

“Who says our relationship isn’t blessed?” Jared said simply in that matter-of-fact voice. “I thank God for Marie every time she smiles at me, and if I wasn’t meant to be apart of her life, then I know I would’ve been led somewhere else. He’s kept me here, with her, for years now… and why rock the boat, literally?”

“Literally,” Marie smiled up at him in agreement.

Stunned by the man’s logic, the differences between their beliefs, and the happiness on their faces – she kept quiet.