He never doubted for a moment they would leave him, because that was his team – but Calista had no such security. She was scared, not thinking straight, and her fear was beating at him.

“Hang on and that’s an order from your favorite captain…” and thankfully was gifted with her nervous laugh as she put her hand on his shoulder.

“You’re myonlycaptain.”

“Forever and a day – and I’m glad you know it,” he quipped, knowing his words had a double meaning. He then sought to distract her – while indulging in his own deepest hopes and dreams.

“So, any thoughts about what you want for breakfast in bed after we are married? I mean, I’m a fairly decent cook and make a strong cup of coffee…”


“Too soon?” he laughed easily, moving slightly as he began pulling them both through the water towards the ship in the distance. “Because I’m rethinking this whole ‘friend’ thing, and after seeing you fall overboard? I’ve dealt with enough loss and tragedy that I really need a little happiness in my world – and that’s you.”

It only took seconds for her to answer, but the silence felt like it stretched for ages between them as he swam.

“Eggo toaster waffles,” she said quietly. “I’m a simple person.”

“I love… simple,” he replied, still moving and sending his arms wide, pulling hard through the surface and trying not to splash either of them with his efforts. “Toast… and…butter…”

“Your coffee you like it black, right?”

“Yeah…” he smiled, feeling such joy fill him. “One sugar… and cream?”

“You’ve been watching me,” she chuckled beside him, and he chanced a glance at her to see her beautiful face watching his in wonder – and stopped swimming. He treaded water for a moment and looked at her, seeing her brow crease with worry for a second before meeting his eyes.

“Does this mean yes?” he asked hesitantly.

“If you’re asking me…”

“I am.”

“Then ‘yes’ – but only if we end up getting out of the water.”

“I have no doubts we are going to be back on that ship in no time,” Will began confidently. “And we aren’t going backwards anymore. No side stepping, no taking things slow, no more worrying about where we stand. I want to make you happy… if you’ll have me.”

“I just want this all to work somehow.”

“Why wouldn’t it?”

“We are two different people, from two different worlds, and…”

He could see that it was really bothering her; whatever was playing in her mind was forcing her to withdraw mentally before him – and it was time to lay all their cards down on the table.

“Talk to me,” he urged, moving to swim towards the ship again. “It’s just us, so don’t hold back. Why is there a problem with us being different?”

“You live on a ship, and I have a life – a home – that I don’t want to give up.”

“I would never make you give any of that up,” hecountered, sluicing through the water with effort. “Besides, we only sail two weeks out of the month… the rest of the time is spent in different ports trying to figure out what our next move is.”

“So, you would be gone half of the time?”

“You could travel with me whenever you wanted. I would take you to see the world,” he countered, hoping that tempted her, and continuing without hesitation. “Jared could take the ship out, or we could port near your town and…”


He heard the tearful wobble to her voice and stopped swimming once more, kicking hard to hold them both afloat.

“Kick your legs like you are pedaling a small unicycle,” he instructed gently, holding her nearby, recognizing he was getting tired, but not giving up in the slightest.