“Is Blue still down there swimming around?” Red asked curiously, moving towards the railing… and laughed.

Curious, Calista moved with the other three women towards the railing as well – only to stare as Blue was indeed swimming in the ocean… hanging onto the dorsal fin of a dolphin that was leaping along the ship.

The brash, arrogant man would be insufferable after this, she mused, laughing in disbelief.

… Only to hear a yelp beside her.

Green was suddenly falling over the railing – that Yellow was now clinging to in fear. Several panicked shouts were heard, but Calista’s brain was slow to recognize the words until it was too late.

A pair of hands shoved her hard on the shoulders, pushing her overboard.



“NOOOOO!”Will screamed hoarsely, horrified at the scene before him unfolding like something out of a nightmare. That weird goth girl that seemed so innocent when she first came on board was turning into something terrifying.

Jared had claimed that he was uncomfortable yesterday when they had exchanged places after the storm. His friend said that Purple had an irrational streak and was bloodthirsty, before surprisingly asking to lock up the hold below. That was where the supplies, gunpowder, and other items were stored.

No slip of a girl would be able to fire a cannon, he had thought sagely,but she could start a fire or cause other damage.If something didn’t sit right with the man he’d trusted with his life in a firefight, then that was something he didn’t take lightly. Gut-instinct had saved both of their lives more than once.

They padlocked the door to the hold – just in case.

Marie had come to him not ten minutes ago, asking that this girl not be allowed to sail with them again.

“Will, she asked to chum the water for sharks before jumping in to swim,” Marie had uttered, looking shocked. “I don’t know what’s worse. The two high-maintenance lunatics that are obvious… or the one that is only showing her true colors now. How did we end up with three on this cruise?”

“I have no idea,” he’d chuckled, surprised. He thought for sure that Yellow would end up claiming someone had touched her, or worse. She’d already accused Calista of trying to do harm by feeding her something she was allergic to – and it wasn’t even on board. The woman was obviously manipulative and destructive towards others.

He hated to cut the cruise short – but perhaps he should? Being out here on the open seas with three very uncertain people wasn’t comforting in the slightest…

Just as that thought touched his mind, he saw the three women walk towards the railing… and moved forward as well to see what was drawing them. Sure enough, Blue was in the water, swimming beside a dolphin like a long-lost Atlantean.

He heard a high-pitched scream – and his heart seized in his chest as he saw Green go over the railing, splashing into the waters below. Yellow ducked down, clinging to the rail… and Purple moved in slow motion, her arms locked in front of her as she moved towards Calista.

Will belted out a warning in panic, saw Calista’s head lift slightly… just as she was pushed. That move sent her catapulting over the railing with her tied wrists before her. He saw the fear in her face just before she landed on her back into the water, disappearing under the surface.

He felt something snap within him.

“PUT HER IN THE BRIG!” – Will screamed and leaped over the railing from where he had been standing, almost ten feet higher in the air than anyone below. He hit the water painfully, shrugging off his coat beneath the surface and swimming upwards to take a deep breath.

“There!” Blue hollered, having rescued the other woman from the water and pointing nearby. Will dove immediately and saw something moving in the shadows. Thank goodness it wasn’t overcast, because he would have never seen her.

He grabbed her, dragging her upwards, as they surfaced.

“Calista,” he coughed. “Are you okay?”

She was coughing and gasping, clinging to him as he saw the awareness hit her. Gone was the confusion, the fevered fear, and it was replaced by disbelief and horror… and relief.

“Will,” she rasped, wincing. He knew she was still trying to clear her windpipe and lungs from what she’d taken in during the brief amount of time she was underwater. “She…pushed… oh my gosh, she tried to…”

“Shhh,” he crooned, seeing the comprehension and panic in her gaze. “I’ve got you – but we’ve got to catch up to the ship. Hang on to me…”

“Are we going to be… able to catch up?”

“We’ll be fine – I promise,” he said, pulling her hands above the water and removing the rope from the one wrist. She’d managed to remove it from one hand already, before he had reached her. Letting the rope sink, he put her hands on his shoulders. “Hang on to me.”

“I’ll slow you down,” she said fearfully, staring off towards the ship that was moving easily, cutting through the waves. He had no doubts that they wouldn’t look for him,try to slow, or even drop anchor to try to give them time… but only to prevent from having to circle widely to swing back – which they would.