“No, he’s not,” Shepherd snapped. “They are acting like sheeple.”


“Enough,” came an even voice from the doorway behind Calista – and she didn’t even have to turn to know who it was. She knew Will had probably walked in on this chaos, wondered what he overheard, and was more than likely pretty frustrated with everyone right now.

“My team, we do not address our guests by slurs or names, no matter our inner thoughts – is that clear?” Will said openly. “The Happy Pappy is a themed cruise vessel for a seven-day, loosely-based, historical adventure on thehigh seas with activities planned accordingly. You sighed up for this, paid for it. Each of you signed a waiver in case of danger, death, or dismemberment due to some of said activities… and swimming would fall under those clauses.”

Will met her eyes as he walked around the table where everyone was sitting – and she knew darn well that she was the only person that hadn’t signed a waiver.

That surprised her. Had they forgotten? Could Athena have signed for her, and was that even legal?

“Whatever relationships, extracurricular activities, or private talks that are going on behind the scenes, it is no one’s business but their own… because everyone on this ship is over twenty-one years of age – and an adult.”

“But as the captain, do you really think…” Yellow began in a simpering voice – as Will’s expression grew dark.

“I wouldn’t finish that statement, if I were you,” he said flatly.

Calista felt a surge of pride fill her chest. Gosh, he was incredibly sexy when he was authoritative, and she loved it.

“Jared, please continue the history lesson on walking the plank before bringing everyone above decks. We are going to have beautiful weather today.”

“About that…” Red interrupted, raising his hand politely.


“Are we getting a partial refund due to…”

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence either, doc,” Will interrupted. “If you can charge me for missing an appointment – I’m gonna charge you for a storm cloud that was out of my control. Got it?”

No one said another word.

“Good,” Will said flatly. “Jared? If you please?”

Calista couldn’t take her eyes from Will as he swirledhis coat with a flourish, the cutlass shining at his side and tucked through his belt. That wig covered part of his face, along with that massive hat… but his blue eyes gleamed from his tanned expression, glimmering with humor.

He thought this was funny!

A slight smirk touched his lips as he tipped his hat towards her openly, before climbing the steps up into the sunlight. Her heart fluttered with excitement at him acknowledging her, looking for her, and it was intensely gratifying to know just who he was deep down inside.

… And she had her answer.

“As I was saying,” Jared began. “Centuries ago, walking the plank was a form of execution that pirates and mutineers used. It was convenient, efficient, and considered an amusement by spectators.”


“How dreadful…”

“The captives were bound so they couldn’t swim and forced to walk on a beam, or a plank, that extended over the side of the ship.”

“Like a diving board?”

“Yes, Blue… kinda like a diving board,” Jared acknowledged. “It’s all over movies, in books, and popularized over time – but this rarely happened.”

“Really?” Purple asked, sounding almost disappointed – and Calista vowed to stay away from the strange girl with a bloodthirsty side to her.

“So, in today’s exercise… we are going to walk the plank, to get a feeling of what it would have been like for those who really did. It’s a very strange feeling to be on a board with nothing between you but a thin slab of wood, air, and the ocean.”

“Can we jump in?” Blue asked, waving his hand in the air excitedly.