A horrified noise keened upwards uncontrollably from somewhere deep inside of her, as another large wave tried to knock her off her feet. Moving to reach thedoorway, she was in a state of unthinking panic, desperately needing to get above decks… only to have the door open before her.

Marie was standing there – looking as green as Calista felt.

“Good. You’re up,” Marie said bluntly, stepping inside as another wave shoved both women to the side. “They’re getting the sails down and we are going to have to ride this out.”

“We’ve got to get out of here,” Calista panted nervously. “I saw the water. We’re sinking and…”

“We’re not going to sink,” Marie replied gently, immediately moving to hug her – and she didn’t fight it. “The waves are bad right now and the captain is doing everything he can. We are safer here rather than getting swept overboard. Breathe with me… breathe…. breathe…”

Calista realized she was panting nervously, on the edge of hyperventilating, as the woman hugged her, smoothing her hair. Her heart was racing, and her mind was screaming in protest, but somehow Marie was reaching through that cloud of misery she was drowning in right now.

“I’ve got you – you are safe. It will be okay.”

The two managed to sit on the edge of the bunk just to keep from getting knocked around, and Marie was there the whole time – talking to her.

“You’re going to be safe but miserable today,” she began softly, talking to Calista like she was a child. “If you feel sick, I’ve got some crackers. We are staying right here, resting, and remaining dry. The ship isn’t going down today – I promise. The captain will watch over us. Breathe with me, Calista…”

That mantra went on for hours as she was locked in her own private terrors, there deep in the hold, in her makeshift quarters for the week.

Hours later,Calista was laying on the bunk beside Marie – both women trying to sleep while they could now that the violent rolling had slowed down to a lull. It was still raining outside of the porthole that they could see from their vantage points… but the worst of the storm was over.

Neither woman said a word.

Marie’s brow was furrowed with worry, and she was pale. Her lips were pinched and white around the edges, strained with silent fears that would not be spoken aloud – while Calista felt green, weak, and wobbly.

She had never felt so insecure in her entire life, and it seemed to go on forever. She was worried about Will, terrified of sinking, and concerned that there was damage that would prevent them from getting back to port… only to hear a knock at her door.

Both women sat up quickly – and Calista got the door, opening it quickly. Will was standing there. He was sopping wet, pale, and looking so very tired. His eyes met hers, took one look, and pulled her into his arms, hugging her closely.

“I was so worried about you,” he whispered against her hair – and Calista held him close, treasuring the feeling of him and ignoring the cold salt water that soaked his frame.

“I’m fine,” she admitted in a hushed voice. “Marie stayed with me and… you look so tired.”

“I’m exhausted.”

“You should go lay down,” she urged softly, wanting and needing to care for him – especially since his first thought had been to check on her. That touched her so deeply.

“I will in a moment,” he began, and lifted his head from her shoulder. “Thank you, Marie. Jared is taking the helmfor a bit so I can rest, and then we are going to switch. Bo is updating the Coast Guard on our location because we were blown off course…”

“How far?”

“We’re getting out of the shipping lanes,” Calista heard Will say – and there was something grim in his voice that caught her attention. She lifted her head from his chest and looked at him, touching his cheek without hesitation, and saw the surprise in his eyes.

It was his scarred cheek, near his ear… and she didn’t care.

This was him – her Will.

“Jared can handle it,” Marie said from behind her. “I’m going to go check on everyone else.”

“Thanks again, Marie.”

“Of course,Captain Kidd…”

“Marie…” he chuckled easily, hugging Calista again.

Her eyes looked between the duo, hearing the casualness between them and how Marie had teased his name, wondering if there was something more… but only saw a deep friendship there in their expressions.

“Jared, huh?” Will said quietly, not holding back.