“This is so sweet of you to share,” she smiled at him, touched by the effort he was putting out in the middle of nowhere. He was letting her in, sharing his secrets, and revealing aspects of himself… and she liked it.

“You like these things?” she asked, pointing at the Snoballs, reveling in his wide smile that touched her.

“I honestly used to hate them, but when I was overseas? They were like gold, and no matter how smashed they got in the mail? They’d puff back up again and tasted nauseatingly sweet. I thought maybe we could share a dessert alone – and counter the sugar with a little something bitter?” Will explained, setting down the bottle on the table before pulling out her chair like they were in some elegant restaurant.

… And she loved it.

Taking a seat, she felt him nudge her chair a little closer and watched silently as he took a seat opposite of her. His kindle was on his bed in the distance as her eyes took in the entire room. It was maybe a little larger than hers, which was to be expected as the captain’s quarters… but sparse.

There was a picture frame on the wall that caught her eye, and she almost stood up to go look at it – and hesitated. It was of his squad, probably before the injuries… and she didn’t need to see it right now.

That was then – and in the past.

“We can go up to the deck if you’d rather,” he said quietly. “I just thought maybe…”

“This is perfect,” she whispered, looking back at him to see the relief in his eyes.

Her mind was racing, almost as quickly as her heart, because she was really coming to like this man… and her week was almost over. What would it be like when she returned home? Would it be saying ‘goodbye’once more?

“Penny for your thoughts,” he murmured, holding up the wine glass that had a small amount of dark, amber-colored fluid in each. She lifted her glass, mirroring him, and hesitated before meeting his eyes.

“They’re pretty personal…”

“Perhaps more than a penny,” he smiled softly, waiting, and she swallowed nervously, realizing just how much she treasured this feeling inside of her – and his company.

“I’m so glad we met,” she admitted hoarsely, her voice full of emotion… and saw his eyes melt at her words.

“I am too.”

“When this week is over,” she began nervously. “I don’t want to lose touch with you. Can we still talk?”

“I was going to bring that up tonight or tomorrow,” he admitted, looking distinctly relieved. “Perhaps I could take you on a real date sometime, or we could just go out as friends and…”

“I could make you dinner at my place,” she interrupted quickly. “I’d like it to be a date, Will, if we see each other again in the future… and…” she swallowed, feeling suddenly unsure of herself. “I really like you and I know we both have a past, but this feels like more. I hope it is at least, and I feel like a fool sometimes, completely out of my element, because…”

“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, putting his glass down and not looking away from her. “I don’t want to cross a line but…”

“I really wish you would,” she murmured, choking out a tearful laugh of relief as she was already rising half out of her seat, just like him.

The two of them bumped the table, nearly upsetting the oil lamp… and Will steadied it quickly before pulling her into his strong arms.

She felt those warm bands surround her, recognizing it was so different from Jack – and treasuring those differences. With Jack, she had felt something innocent, almost ethereal in their relationship… but this felt so much deeper, guttural, and intense.

Neither said a word as Will hesitated, before slowly pressing his lips to hers. She wondered briefly if he felt the same as she did, but the way he deepened the kiss between them… she knew.

Still waters run deep,she thought idly as his hands touched her back, pressing her close to him. He tasted her, made a small noise deep in his throat, before slanting his lips hard over hers. Her own hands were on his back, memorizing the feeling of him and craving this so much.

His lips broke from hers as he suddenly moved to kiss her jawline, feeling his breath on her skin… and heard his words.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he murmured, dropping soft, warm kisses as he spoke. “I know you said, ‘friends’, but I want more too.”

“I told you I don’t want some epic romance saga,” she breathed, arching against him. “Don’t need flowers, trinkets, and stuff…”

“What do you want then?” he whispered, pausing slightly, not moving away as he gave her earlobe a soft kiss. “Tell me…”

“I want a man who knows what he wants,” she admitted, feeling her fingers creep into his hair, holding him close as he began to kiss her throat once more. “I want someone who wants to spend time with me, talking, and laughing with me…”

“I might know a guy,” he chuckled softly against her skin, giving her throat a soft nibble that made her knees give slightly.