Calista was outvoted almost unanimously as Marie began reading fromJaws… which would be sure to keep her up tonight. A fear of drowning combined with an elusive, blood-thirsty, great white shark in the middle of the ocean?

Yep, that’ll do it.

Nightmare fuel.

… And Marie was a very impassioned bibliophile. Her voice was gentle where it needed to be, whispered in places, drawing you into the story as your heart beat with tension… before bursting out loudly, making you jump with fright.

“Thank goodness she’s not readingJurassic ParkorPet Cemetery,” Calista muttered to Purple under her breath in a friendly manner, only to have the goth girl roll her eyes in boredom – which surprised her.

Calista looked around to see several of the ‘crew’ were there on the bench beside her. They looked like they would rather be doing anything else than sitting on a vessel in the ocean, being swept into the magnificent thriller that was read aloud. Not everyone enjoyed a good story, but it provided a short escape, gave you a chance to live in a fantasy world… and it hit her.

Maybe this life wasn’t for everyone?

Looking around, she saw Jared, Shepherd, and Bo were listening and leaning on the railing. Turning, she looked up towards where Will usually held his post. She saw he was leaning his chin on one of the posts of the large handles on the ship’s wheel, listening avidly too.

The ones that looked bored at Marie’s reading thrived intheirworld, never wishing for more… but the ones that were swept away? They, including herself, had seen more, dealt with horrors, and needed this escape from their own minds for a little while.

Perhaps Athena was right?

She needed to step out from behind her ‘shell’ and ‘get a life’.

Still looking at Will, she saw his eyes move from where Marie sat reading… to her. A part of her expected him to look away or put up a front for the others so they didn’t know something was beginning to stir between them – but instead?

He smiled slightly and gave a little wave with his fingers from his position, melting her heart. Calista couldn’t help herself. She met his smile with one of her own and waved, suddenly looking forward to seeing him again this evening at their spot. She wanted to hear his voice, feel his arm around her shoulders, and treasure their stolen moments alone where they could be themselves.

Red Marie cleared her throat, causing Calista to glance back nervously as she curled her fingers to hide her wave towards Will… only to see the woman lift an eyebrow as she kept reading. Looking back to where Will stood, she saw his smile widen as he winked at her.

Oh yes, she couldn’t wait for later!

As the sunwas swallowed up by the horizon, massive orange streaks in the sky began to fade into a purplish miasma as clouds rolled in. There would be rain tomorrow… possibly a storm.

Calista wondered what it would be like on the ship – and how she would handle it… only to hear a knock at her door, causing her to jump. No one ever knocked onher door, and she was about to freshen up to meet Will. Opening the door slightly, wishing she had a peep hole, she was pleasantly surprised.

Will stood there… without his costume.

He looked so handsome in his jeans, a black t-shirt that had some Army slogan on the chest, and a baseball cap on his head pulled low. She knew he was nervous about his scars on the side of his head, ear, and face, but she barely saw them anymore.

“Hi,” he said quietly, smiling shyly.

“Hey,” she murmured, stepping back slightly. “Do you want to come in? I was just about to head up…”

“Actually, I thought maybe you’d like to join me?” he invited – and held out his hand towards her.

Curious, she put her hand in his and stepped into the hallway, shutting the door behind her… only to feel him pull her slightly towards his cabin. The feeling of warmth from their hands connecting, combined with the knowledge of where he was taking her, made her heart flip wildly in her chest as she looked at him with awareness.

He opened the door and the hinge creaked slightly, causing them both to laugh softly, as they stepped inside. On the table was an oil lamp flickering, giving off a warm glow – revealing a surprise.

There were two small saucers on the table with empty glasses nearby.

“… But we just ate?” she questioned, only to see him turn slightly as he opened a cabinet.

“Shhh,” he smiled. “I’m raiding the captain’s stash…”

Will pulled out two, pale pink domes in wrappers, along with a tiny bottle of something… as she realized what it was. She muffled her laughter as she looked at him in surprise and amazement, as he opened the cellophane packaging and dumped a Hostess Snoball on each plate.

The pink monstrosities were sickeningly sweet marshmallow concoctions with coconut that was dyed pink, stuffed with cream, and had a layer of chocolate cake inside. Her grandmother used to hide marshmallow pinwheels to treat herself with her coffee… and apparently Will enjoyed the same sweet cravings.

“I’d like to say I had something fancy,” Will explained, smiling ruefully as he twisted off the cap of a tiny wine bottle about the size of a Coke bottle, pouring it in each glass. “But I don’t hardly drink much and keep something like this for when I have insomnia, to help knock me out.”