“It’s okay to say ‘no’,” he began. “I wasn’t trying to make this weird, but rather…”

“I’d love to,” she finally admitted, realizing it was true.

He was strangely handsome, even with the scars, and she wished he would get rid of that stupid, gnarled wig and hat that hid him from sight. She wanted to see his face, get to know him, and realized that the ‘captain’ persona was a defensive mechanism, just like a pen name, a mask, or a wig.

A way for him to hide.

“I’d love to meetWillhere… so perhaps the captain could get rid of the hat and wig so I can see my friend’s face when I talk to him?” she hedged, knowing she was crossing a line, but if she was going to step out of her comfort zone – she wanted him to, too.

He glared at her and didn’t say anything, releasing her hand.

“And if I show up in costume?”

“I’ll still be here.”

“Then why ask it?”

“Because I think I’d like to get to know the real you,” she admitted. “The guy that slips me his kindle so that I’m not bored, the man that has all these people looking up to him, and the person that cross-stitches the stars to feel safe.”

He chuckled nervously, looking distinctly self-conscious at that moment as he ducked his head slightly.

“That guy seems really nice,” she continued. “And I’m curious to know more about Will – not the captain.”

Will looked at her, and she could see the warring disbelief in his eyes as he met her gaze there in the moonlight.

“Is it a date then?” he asked softly.

“Perhaps,” she smiled.

“I’d like that.”

“I believe I would too,” she confessed, feeling her heart flutter in her chest. “Shall I go back to my cell now?”

“No,” he replied. “I’ll walk you to your door, and keep it locked tonight so no one bothers you until I make the announcement. I won’t put you in that cell again – I promise.”

“Just make sure we don’t sink or I don’t end up overboard, and we’ll be just fine.”

“Iswear it, Calista.”

She looped her arm around his and felt him tense under her hand where it rested on his arm. Maybe he was shy or self-conscious?

“Walk me to my room then, dear captain,” she invited almost playfully. “I have a date tomorrow evening under the stars.”

“So you do,” he murmured softly.



Early the next morning,she heard the telltale blast of the weird gun that Will kept at his side. Someone had told her it was a replica blunderbuss, something similar to those that other pirates and mercenaries would carry.

Flying out of her bunk, she quickly donned her outfit, before realizing someone had pilfered through her borrowed things in her trunk. What in the world? She thought in disbelief. Sure enough, the pants, shirts, and a skirt were missing, which left her with one shirt and her original clothing.

“Talk about living the pirate life…” she muttered in disbelief and disgust. If someone wanted to steal her borrowed costume rags so much – well, they could have them.

She washed up in the bowl that was on a stand in her room. The stand had a cut out along the bottom so the bowlwould fit down inside, keeping it from sliding off… and the pitcher was the same.

It was a little disconcerting to wash her body like this, and she imagined that there was quite the stench of unwashed bodies on a real-life ship… but this would certainly do for a brief period of time.