Disconnect, relax, unwind, and have some fun. Recharge your mind, heart, and soul by just letting yourself live in another time, another world.

Please forgive me – I paid extra to have them kidnap you, so I hope you weren’t scared, but I know my older sister… and there is no way you would have gone along with any of this willingly.

I want all the details when you get home.

Love you, sis!



Looking at the map,the list of terms, she decided to go all in. This was probably some massive expense for her sister, and she vowed to pay her back as soon as she could, because Athena was right.

She did need a wake-up call, and reality had slapped her in the face when she realized that she was as weird or lost as the people on the deck of the ship… and didn’t want to be.

Calista wanted to be comfortable in her world – and currently wasn’t.

Quickly shedding her clothing, she donned the skirt and baggy white shirt, before slipping the corset over her head. Hesitating, she grabbed the laces and pulled it around towards her front, struggling.

Hearing someone walking down the hallway, she yanked open the doorway in a hurry, hoping that the ‘wench’ that the men had talked about earlier could help herfinish getting into costume… only to see the captain walking past.

“Is there a problem, Orange?” he said bluntly, not even turning towards her. She could only see the right side of his profile and that terse grimace that seemed to be forever on his expression.

“Could I talk with the pirate lady, Marie? I think that was her name,” she began, hating that her name was ‘Orange’ for the trip, but understanding the simplicity.

“No,” he retorted. “The wench is occupied. What do you need? Do you have a complaint or issue?”

“Yup,” she said bluntly, not backing down. “See? I got kidnapped to be on this ship and I’m trying to fit in, but the douche-bag captain won’t let the only female on the ship that might be able to help me get into this corset that was provided by costuming actually assist me… so yes. I have a few choice complaints to make.”

To her shock, he cracked a slight smile as he glanced sideways at her.

“I’ll send Marie to you, miss,” he said quietly in a hushed voice.

“Thank you.”

It was less than five minutes when Calista heard a knock at her door and opened it, expecting another argument or attitude… and was a little taken aback when Marie was standing there, smiling sympathetically.

“The captain said you needed help?”

“Please,” she admitted. “I know there is probably a trick to this, but I can’t seem to twist or maneuver my arm around to tug on the laces in order to pull them tighter, so I don’t feel like my intestines are bound up – but my chest is falling out the top.”

“There is a trick,” Marie smiled, unlacing her owncorset. “Let me show you how to get out of it this evening – and back into it tomorrow. I’m really glad to see you are trying the costumes. Not many people do… but it’s fun to dress up and pretend.”

“Is anyone going to be upset that we are out of character right now?”

“Calista – everything was out of character the moment that the captain asked me to come help you,” Marie smiled knowingly. “He doesn’t do that. He believes in a ‘figure-it-out’ mentality.”

“Ugh…” Calista groaned softly under her breath, nodding.

“Watch me,” Marie said, tugging her laces several times along her back with one hand, before taking both strings in her hands. “And then tug up here… and then down here, without releasing the other string. Wrap it around your waist and tie it.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be tighter?”

“Nahh… we must be able to breathe and eat. A corset is designed to hold you and make your curves look good, not incapacitate you,” Marie smiled, tying her corset. “Now, go ahead and tackle yours and let me help.”

The two women stood there together as Calista managed to tighten her corset, cinching it up, and tying it around her waist.

“Perfect!” Marie smiled. “Now, if you want to be a bawdy wench…”