“Oh stop,” she countered, rolling her eyes. “I’m here. I’ve got nowhere else to go, and you are stuck with me.”

Marie tossed the ladder overboard and nodded to him, walking towards her quarters to prepare to make way. He was really grateful she handled all the minute details that would keep him from enjoying the voyage.

As Bo came over the railing, he offered a hand to him, but instead used it to pat him on the shoulder proudly. The kid had done well getting used to his leg, and made it up the ladder on his own.

The first time Bo had fallen into the water, it was really a tough day for the kid mentally, and he still struggled deepdown inside with the change in his physical form all these years later – whereas he needed to remember he was lucky to be alive and walking.

Will blamed himself – and knew that would never fade. Instead, he latched onto that self-loathing and guilt, hoping it would help him deal with the mouthy beauty that was coming up the ladder now… and realized it was going to be a very long week indeed.



Calista saweveryone spread out for a few minutes as they looked around, before realizing that the doorway beside the ladder went up to the next level, revealing a corridor of rooms, each door brightly painted as if to accentuate your ‘designation’ for the trip.

Bo and Shepherd – along with a woman in a costume dress, were helping move things into each room. Some of the people had luggage, however, Calista did not. Did that mean she was the only one kidnapped to come on this adventure? She could not wear a t-shirt and jeans for a week straight…

As people began to disappear into their rooms, she struggled and turned the knob, before it finally gave.

Stupid door sticks,she realized, feeling a little bit of relief as it opened. There were three other doors in the distance, and none of them were labeled. Part of her wantedto yank them open and take a peek inside, but she was more curious to see what her own room looked like… and if she had surprise luggage, too.

Stepping inside, she shut the door behind her, taking in everything.

A porthole on the far wall allowed the sunshine to fill her room – and she quickly opened it to let in fresh air as well. There was a rope hammock on a hook in the corner and an ‘eye’ on the far wall, allowing the contraption to stretch the length of the room.

A small bunk was directly beneath the porthole and looked clean. There was a cabinet that lined the top of the wall, and peering inside, she saw a basket with toiletries was tucked behind a ledge to keep it from falling right out.

“I guess during rough seas…” she muttered.

There were no chargers, no plugs, no ports… and no lamps. She had a flashlight that was hung on a hook in her room, making it feel positively primitive.

The captain said they were going to disconnect – and he meant it.

Spotting a trunk near the doorway, she nosily opened it and breathed a sigh of relief. Inside, it was divided into male and female costumes… and an envelope lay on top, right next to a rolled-up scroll that was tied with a ribbon complete with a wax seal.

Sitting on the bunk, she opened the envelope first.

Welcome to Swashbuckled,Inc.

We are your solution for adventure on the high seas! Thank you for booking this experience, and we invite you toset aside all reservations, fears, and hesitations, as you get to step into another world long forgotten in this crazy (sometimes chaotic) existence we live in.

This company was lovingly created out of a silent need for those who were lost to be found once more – so please be kind to cast and crew during your stay.

Costumes are provided at your leisure to put yourself in the right frame of mind, and you will find very few modern-day conveniences on this vessel. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with terms, locations on ship, and delve right in as we begin our journey together.


Captain Kidd and the team

Pullingthe scroll out of the chest, Calista ‘popped’ the wax seal, hearing an audible click… and smiled.

That was a fun little detail that was quite unexpected. It was these small things that would really make you appreciate how different life was, and it was already drawing her into this wild world.

Unrolling it, she saw there were two pieces of paper. One looked like diagrams of the ship… and the other was a note. Opening it, she held her breath.

It was from her sister.

Calista– I know you are going to be mad, but this is the only way I can deliver a wakeup call from here for the next six months… and I desperately need you to be okay. I know you are sinking. I know you loved Jack – but he would not want you suffering.