“To new traditions!” Christy exclaimed, handing her a plastic champagne flute. They clacked their flutes together, including Justine. “It’s non-alcoholic,” Justine explained.
Rebelle shook her head. “You guys are so extra.”
“Thank you,” Taylor said earnestly, pressing a hand to her chest and a chuckle slipped from Rebelle.
“There she is!” Justine cheered and they were on their way, all bickering like sisters and a pang hit Rebelle’s chest at the thought of her missing twin. She wondered where she was, what she was doing now and if she ever thought of Rebelle and coming home.
“So…” Christy began, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “Did you doit?”
“It?” Rebelle downed the rest of her faux champagne.
“You know…it,” Taylor winked. Rebelle’s cheeks flushed and she slapped a hand over her mouth, smothering a hiccup.
Taylor hooted. “That’s a yes!”
Justine held up a hand. “Wait! On your own or with Will?”
“Oh, erm…” Rebelle’s cheeks darkened further.
Christy squealed. “Definitely both!”
Four eyes bored into her head from behind and she could feel Justine darting glances at her periodically. Rebelle threw her hands in the air. “Yes! Are you happy now?”
“Hell yes!”
“I’d be happier if you shared details.”
“Did you take control?” Justine asked, the more sensible of the questions that were peppered at her.
Rebelle played with her champagne flute. “I did.”
“And? How did that feel?”
The two in the back were finally quiet, just listening and it felt like she was in a therapy session with Justine. “Really good. Too good. But we’ve agreed it won’t happen again.”
Taylor snorted. “Been there, sweetheart.”
“Same,” Christy added. “And it’s neverjust once.”
Rebelle faced them. “Oh no, it has to be. He’s partnering with me on the shelter and that comes first.”
“I bet it wasn’t the only thing to come first,” Taylor muttered behind her flute and Christy snorted her drink. “Stop it! That went up my nose!”
Justine’s inquisitive eyes flicked back to Rebelle. “Did youbothagree it was just once?”
Rebelle squirmed in her seat thinking about it. “Um, I’m not sure.”
“Did you just tell him it was only once?”
“So if he didn’t agree and he didn’t disagree…he would do it again, right?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think you should pursue it,” Justine said.
“I second that.”