Page 45 of Take A Chance

She wrung her hands again and it pained him to see her so worried. “I left and I should have stayed. Do you-” She snapped her lips shut but she’d been about to ask him for something. He knew she found it so hard to ask for help so he just waited her out until she could form the words.

“Do you think you could swing by and check on her?” She held her breath like she was waiting for him to refuse.

Understanding dawned on him. “She’s in the trailer.”

Rebelle nodded and indecision flitted through him. He looked away, nibbling his bottom lip as he thought about the fact that he would have to enter her home. A home like one he had lived in before and he knew the memories would come back full force. But Rebelle needed him, for the first time was asking him forhelp and he couldn’t,wouldn’tlet her down. Besides Parfait’s health was far more important.

“Sure thing. Keys?”

Her face flooded with relief. “Oh, thank you, Will. I know it’s tough for you with the home and everything and I just-”

He shook his head, hating that she knew how hard it would be, his weakness. “It’s not tough. Not once you asked me. I told you I’m here for you. Knowing Parfait might need me is all the motivation I need.”

She regarded him, he kept his expression soft as he regarded her in return, drinking in the look on her face. “Still, I’m grateful.” She handed him her keys and he gave her a little wave. “You got your phone?”

She flushed. “Ah, I may have left it at the home.”

He shot her a knowing look. “Why am I not surprised? I’ll stay with her until you get back. Have a good shift and don’t stress.” He winked at her before heading back to his friend.

“Sorry Dean, something’s come up and I gotta head out to the shelter.”

“Everything okay, you need anything?” Dean asked.

Will loved that his friend wasn’t annoyed at him for skipping out on their catch up and immediately offered help, that was Dean’s way. If someone needed something he was there, no matter what.

“Do you think you could give Rebelle a ride back when her shift is done? I think she left her truck at home.”Probably to save on gas money, he thought and gritted his teeth in annoyance that she was only just starting to make enough money to not have to worry about those things. He wished he’d pulled his head out of his ass and made his offer to support her sooner.

“Of course, you got it,” Dean nodded, clapping Will on the shoulder.

“Thanks, I owe you one. See you later,” Will said and with a final look at Rebelle, he left the bar.

He drove out towards the shelter, his gut twisting with unease as he worried about his past and if Parfait was okay. Rebelle was right, cats had been doing this for centuries without human interference, but something could go wrong and he couldn’t bear the thought of not intervening if tragedy struck.

He parked up and headed to the home, pausing at the entrance, his hand on the door handle. He couldn’t seem to open it. He took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes and was bombarded by memories. His mom sitting on the floor with him, watching cartoons and eating another store-bought mac and cheese TV dinner split between them. For the third day in a row it had been the only meal they’d eaten. The sadness in her eyes as she told him thatme and Mr. Marshall are just going to go to hang out in my room for a little bit, turn the TV up, bud.The look on the man’s face still haunted Will. Grief from what his mother had to do, guilt at the way he was ignoring her now all swamped him.

“Goddammit!” he shouted, frustrated with himself and his inability to go inside the tiny home.

A whining from the other side of the door penetrated his unwanted trip down memory lane. Bryan was inside and Will loved that Rebelle was keeping the hound in her home, like she couldn’t let him go.

The thought of Rebelle, that sheneededhim, had garnered her courage and askedfor his help settled his nerves. If she could do that, then he could do this. For Rebelle. For Parfait. For himself.

He unlocked the door with a shaking hand and pushed it open. The scent of roses teased his nostrils as he went inside. Lust clenched low in his belly at the smell, reminding him of Rebelle and how much he wanted her.

He flicked on the lights and there was Bryan, looking worryingly towards the bedroom.

“It’s okay buddy, it’s going to be fine,” Will said, unsure whether he was trying to convince the dog or himself.

He went into the bedroom and found Parfait in her box, laying on her side and panting. He knew he was imagining it, but he was sure she looked relieved when she spotted him.

“Hello girl, how are you?” he cooed as he sat down next to her and gently stroked her head. She gave a soft whine as her stomach clenched sharply and her panting increased.

Will had done some research weeks ago when she first arrived. He knew she could do this on her own, but it was tough to see her so uncomfortable. She kept sitting up and peering between her legs like she knew something was going on. After thirty minutes the first kitten appeared.

“That’s it,” he praised. Instinctively Parfait knew what to do and began washing the tiny kitten. Will’s heart was in his throat as the kitten didn’t move and he didn’t know whether to intervene or not and then suddenly the kitten’s sharp little squeaks filled the room.

“Jesus,” Will sighed, leaning back against the wall and breathing a sigh of relief. This was traumatic, a rollercoaster of emotions, and he felt like he’d aged ten years just in that moment. He wished Rebelle was here to keep him calm.

The kitten nuzzled in Parfait’s fur, looking for its first feed and Parfait began purring and padding her paws in the air whilst looking at Will, like she was reaching for him.