“It landed on my desk this morning; is there any way you can take it on? I know your client roster is pretty full, but my dad just added me to the Tollies case and it’s taking more time than I anticipated.”

The Martin Tollies case has been ongoing for months and it’s finally going to trial, so I’m not entirely surprised they needed more help on the case.

“Yeah, man, no problem…”

I don’t say it, but my mind is far from law.



I really shouldn’t be this nervous.

It’s just a job, one that involves me working with people I’ve known my entire life, yet as I stand in front of Baker & Park, my anxiety is at an all-time high. Flattening my pencil skirt against my thighs, I let out a heavy breath, forcing myself to push through the front door.

The moment I enter the foyer, an intense desire to quoteThe Wizard of Ozcomes to mind.

We are certainly not in Kansas anymore.

I’ve never been to Kansas.

“Hey, bug!” Jackson’s arm slings over my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug.

The relief I feel knowing that Jackson will be by my side through this is comforting, but at the end of the day, this is a means to an end and everyone, including Stephen, knows it. Honestly, I don’t even think there was an actual job available—he just made it happen.

I adore Stephen, but sometimes I wish I could just do something on my own without requiring intervention.

Jackson has always been on this path. He knew from a young age he wanted to be a lawyer, which I always assumed was because he adored Stephen so much. However, it’s just not for me. I cringe at the thought of working at a law firm in general. I’m meant to be acting, but damn, getting your union card is a bitch.

“Hey, Jackson!” I force a pep in my voice, hugging him back.

“Are you excited?”

“That’s one word for it,” I laugh as Jackson presses his name badge to the turnstile at the front of the building, allowing us into the overly shiny entryway.

Baker & Park is in one of the largest towers in downtown Atlanta. There are upwards of fifty companies functioning within these walls, Baker & Park Law being only one of many.

The coffee cart in the corner smells like heaven, but I’ve already had two cups of coffee and I don’t need another dose of caffeine or my anxiety surrounding starting a new job could very well venture into heart palpitations territory.

“Hello, Hannah!” Stephen’s familiar voice travels from behind Jackson and me as he walks toward us from the coffee cart, a large coffee in his hand.

“Hey, Mr. Park!” I force a grin from ear to ear, attempting to hide my nervousness.

“What is with the two of you? Jackson did the same thing when he started. It’s Stephen. Hannah, I was at the hospital when you were born—calm down.”

With that, my nerves are surprisingly quelled. I was anxious that the dynamic with him would be different in a professional environment, but I’m happy to see he’s still the same Stephen Park I’ve known my entire life.

Stephen and his wife, Caroline, have been best friendswith my parents since long before Jackson or I were born. I adore them; they’ve always treated me as family, sometimes more so than my own parents did.

“Of course. I’m sorry, Stephen,” I say, leaning into his outstretched arms for a hug.

Stephen embraces me and holds me there for a moment. He whispers in my ear so quietly that I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who can hear, “You’re going to do amazing, Hannah.”

How he manages to sooth me so much better than my own parents is jarring.

“Thank you,” I whisper back, squeezing him tightly before pulling away.

“So…” Stephen turns to Jackson, “I’m assuming you will be showing her your office?”