Page 56 of Mostly Loathing You

“Seriously, Hannah?” I exhale as I try to keep my cool. Her clear tantrum has me on edge.

“What?” she sighs.

“You can’t treat people here like that.” I rub my eyes as I set my elbows on my desk, the exhaustion of an earlier day than normal wearing on me.

I expect an apology, or at the very least a “fuck off,” but Hannah just turns on her heels and heads toward the door. She’s not one for backing down from a fight with me, so I take the win when I can get it.

That is…until she locks the door and turns to face me.

I’m prepared for a screaming match—it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had to duke it out in private. Standing, I prepare for battle. I can’t give her even the slightest leg up on me; she’d exploit it without fail. I start to roll my sleeves up, the warmth thrumming through my veins causing me to grow flushed.

I don’t miss the way her gaze lingers as I do it.

“I’m ready. What’s your problem? Or are you finally ready to talk about what happened?”

The pin I just pulled from the grenade that is HannahThatcher-Miles has me on guard, ready to bite back at whatever insults she’s about to hurl at me.

Hannah walks toward me slower than I am comfortable with. She seems calm…too calm. Angry Hannah I know; calm Hannah scares me.

It’s not until she’s standing in front of me that I get my bearings, preparing for my rebuttal to whatever she’s about to say. Her floral perfume consumes me, discombobulating me in the process.

However, her words don’t come.

Hannah lifts onto her toes and presses her lips to mine. The taste of Starburst candy invades my senses, the slightly sour yet sweet flavor consuming me as I relish in the taste on her lips. She pulls away for a split second. Her sudden shift in attitude has my head spinning, but her treatment of Veronica has me equally confused.

“Han—” The last shred of reservation I have is eviscerated the second her tongue skates over my bottom lip, and all I want is to feel it tangled with my own.

A groan escapes me as she bites my bottom lip. It’s not sweet or tentative—she intends it to hurt—but it only urges me on.

My hand snakes upward as I drag it over the gold buttons that span the back of her black dress, grasping a fistful of hair at the nape of her neck. Hannah gasps at the sudden pain, but as her eyes meet mine, I know with certainty that it was the right move.

“You won’t treat Veronica like that again,” I reprimand her.

Hannah isn’t a compliant person; she isn’t malleable—at least not for me. However, I’ll be damned if this isn’t something she listens about. It makes me look bad if I allow herto get special treatment and disrespect our employees. It’s a Human Resources complaint waiting to happen.

“Yes, sir.” The breathy sound mixed with her words shoots a sensation straight to my cock.

I don’t know where this version of Hannah came from, but I refuse to not engage it.

“On your knees.”

I anticipate a shitty remark, a retort, a “go to hell.” What I don’t expect is for her to do exactly as I say without so much as a huff of defiance.

The moment her knees hit the carpet in front of my chair, I look down and find a doe-eyed expression looking back up at me. She’s breathtaking like this. There is just something so enrapturing about someone who is typically so formidable giving up control willingly.

I allow my thumb to trace over Hannah’s bottom lip, causing her breath to hitch. Cradling the back of her neck in my palm, I use my other hand to unbuckle my belt with a clank. The cognac leather sits slack on my hips as Hannah reaches upward, her eyes not leaving mine. I can’t tell if she is looking for a word of encouragement to keep going, but I provide it anyway.

“Unzip my slacks.”

Without hesitation, Hannah releases the button and unzips my pants with one quick motion. Now that my slacks are undone, my erection is glaringly obvious. Lucky for me, there is nothing about this situation that calls for subtlety.

“Get my cock out,” I say, my voice ragged as I attempt to hold tightly to what little control I have. It may look like I’m in control, but I’ve never felt more exposed to Hannah than I do right now.

She tries to hide her gasp at my crude words, but I hear itwith clarity. As her hands wrap around the waistband of my boxer briefs, I hold my breath, the anticipation causing my heart to pound so loudly I worry she might hear it.

I can’t let her know how much she affects me, though I suppose she’ll know soon enough.

Hannah wraps her hand around my still-restrained cock, and her firm grip pulls a strangled groan from me.