Page 54 of Mostly Loathing You

“The bestower of that hickey on Hannah’s neck.” Sage laughs to herself before turning to Liam, whose eyes are now on me.

His attention lingers, almost inspecting—or realizing for the first time that he branded me.

“Justin, huh?” he says with a smirk.

I lift the collar of my shirt to attempt to cover the hickey that I clearly didn’t do a good enough job of covering with concealer this morning.

I’m so happy that he finds amusement in my utter humiliation.

“Yeah, Justin. The super-hot guy I was hanging out with the other night.” I pin him with a glare, but it doesn’t dissolve his amusement; it appears to only egg him on further.

“Well, seeing as I didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary, I’d assume he wasn’t all that great at the end of the day.”

“Actually—” Sage talks with her mouth full, and I know the moment she starts that she’s about to make me want to kill her. “From what I was hearing that night, he was great. She was like…so loud.”

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

Liam purses his lips as he bites back a cocky grin.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the best sex she’s ever had. Girl was loud.”

Jesus Christ, Sage, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Blood rushes to my face and I attempt to hide it, but the red flush overtakes me anyway. It’s unavoidable at this point, so I pin her with a glare. “Can you not?”

“Best sex of her life, huh?” The cocky grin Liam was attempting to quell before is on full display, but it’s a common enough expression for him that I can’t imagine anyone notices the connotation but me. Liam rocks back and forth on his feet, his perfectly polished brown dress shoes glistening from the overhead lighting.

“Meh—kinda sucked.” I take a sip of my water before cutting into the chicken in my pasta, refusing to look up at him. I look at Savannah instead. “You know those guys who think they’re great, but really they just thrust blindly, so hard that you’re loud? They think it’s because you’re enjoying it, but really it’s because your head keeps being slammed into the headboard. Or backsplash, depending where you’re doing it.”

The smile on Liam’s face drops as I look up at him, his cocky grin now plastered on my face.

“No…I can’t think of a single instance of that ever happening to me,” Savannah says with a puzzled expression.

“Lucky girl—it’s terrible.”

This seems to pull Liam out of his game as I watch him clear his throat. “Well, as fun as analyzing Hannah’s sex life has been—seriously, riveting—” he says, his sarcasm dripping off every word, “I need to head back to the office.”

“Shame.” I mockingly pout at him, earning me a glare.

“Bye, Liam!” the other three women at the table say in unison as he walks away, but I don’t join the pleasantries.

“Do you think it would be possible for you two to coexist at this wedding without being on top of each other like that? You’re walking with him, for crying out loud.” As the words leave Gen’s mouth, I struggle not to laugh at her inopportune choice of words.

“I can promise you, going forward that won’t be the case.”

“Good,” Gen says as she digs back into her roast chicken, but I don’t miss the way Sage’s eyes are pinned on me.

I refuse to look at her.



Despite the fact that we’ve been tiptoeing around one another all week, I find myself working with Hannah with no buffer come Friday afternoon. Jackson has a lunch meeting followed by a different meeting across town at his client’s office. He’s not coming back before the weekend, meaning for the next six hours I’m stuck having to interact with Hannah directly.

Okay, to be fair, I don’t have an issue with it—she, however, does.

Hannah has barely come into my office, but her presence is everywhere in this damn space. Starting with that stupid Duke Blue Devils bobblehead she gave Jackson that is taunting me from across the room. I pull out my phone, the inevitability of the situation spurring me on.