The room grows silent as my dad clears his throat, Jackson and I waiting for whatever reason fueled his coming into our office for the first time in a month.

“As you know, I’ve been wanting to up yourworkloads. Especially you, Liam,” he says as his eyes meet mine, an understanding between us. “I’m not getting any younger and I need to start grooming you for the future.”

Ah, this again.

It’s not that I don’t want to take over Baker & Park; I do—it’s always been my goal. However, in recent years it has become so much more in the forefront of my dad’s mind, and he doesn’t let it go. I’m twenty-nine, and I want to feel young for a little bit longer. Then again, I look over at Jackson, who is ready to do just about anything to establish his career at Baker & Park, and I find myself wondering if I’m the best fit to take over when my dad retires.

“That being said, I am looking to get you guys an assistant to help with your load in taking on more work.”

Typically, associates at the firm don’t have assistants, so that seems weird, but given everything, I guess it makes sense. The shine of the glossy windowpane bounces off my desk, casting my dad in an aggressive stream of direct sunlight, reminding me that it’s nearing the end of the workday.

“Sounds great,” I respond, noticing that Jackson has said little and just nods.

“I’m glad you think so, Liam. Hannah will be starting Monday.”


“Hannah?” I ask, knowing exactly what is coming but still tensing as I wait for confirmation.

“Hannah Thatcher-Miles,” he says, straightening his tie.

My eyes dart to Jackson, whose eyes are fixed on the floor at my dad’s feet. This has got to be a joke. Hannah is an actress, for crying out loud—what the hell does she know about being a law assistant? Even more so, what kind of a sick joke is he playing thinking Hannah and I would work well together?

“This is a joke, right?”

“Liam.” My dad’s stern tone chills me to the bone, causing me to slump into my seat. He’s never been a fan of the back-and-forth between Hannah and me, so I can’t imagine he’ll be accepting it at Baker & Park. My eyes dart to Jackson, whose eyes are now on me.

“Did you know about this?”

He nods in my direction but looks away as he does.

It’s not a secret that Hannah and I don’t get along. We have been at each other’s throats for pretty much our entire lives. This is something my dad is very aware of, so the idea of hiring Hannah to be my assistant feels like either a manipulation tactic or just a dick move. Either way, I’m not about to call him out on it.

“Monday,” I reiterate.

“Monday,” my dad responds. Straightening his suit jacket once more, he walks toward the door and clicks it behind him without so much as a goodbye.

The room grows quiet, a stark contrast to the constant conversation that normally fills our office.

“Seriously, man?” I ask, but Jackson doesn’t look up from his computer.

“She’s a tiny blonde, she can’t even do a push-up…I don’t know why you’re so scared of her…”

“I’m not afraid of her!” I react before I realize it, eliciting a grin from Jackson.

“Awfully defensive.” Jacksontsks, still not looking up from his computer, judgment filling the air.

Here we go again.

“No,” I snip, standing from my desk to grab a bottle of water from our mini fridge on the far wall by Jackson.

“I’m just saying, you’re awfully defensive when it comes to her.”

“Stop,” I say. Jackson has gotten it into his head that there is something between Hannah and me, which is just offensive. I would rather stab myself in the jugular than touch that demonic little blonde. However, Jackson sticks to his theories. I’m not sure if he genuinely believes it or just enjoys fucking with me.

“So…this medical malpractice suit…”

Jackson is back to work without pause as he perks up at my question. “What about it?”