Page 48 of Mostly Loathing You

This seems to curb his interest as he sits on the edge of the bed, the smell of roasted coffee beans waking me up even though I’ve had only a few sips.

“Did someone make breakfast?”

“Yeah, Wes did, but everyone just headed down to hit the slopes before we leave tonight.”

This shouldn’t relieve me like it does. I don’t regret last night, not in the slightest, but I’ve known Hannah long enough to know she’s going to backtrack colossally. This isn’t my first rodeo with Hannah Thatcher-Miles.

“Why didn’t you go?” I ask as I take a sip of my coffee.

“Kara wants me to call her at noon.”


Just like this isn’t my first time experiencing Hannah’s hot and cold reactions, it’s also not my first time dealing with an infamous Gabe and Kara break-up.

I try to be supportive—he’s my best friend, after all. However, Kara is awful. She’s terrible to him, and she’s also not particularly kind to his friends. To my understanding, he’s only brought her around his family a few times, even though they’ve been together for three years.

“What does she want?” My attempt to hide my disdain is met with a glare.

“She wants to talk about what happened.”

“So, she wants to con you into thinking she’s changed and you’ll inevitably take her back?”

Gabe isn’t an angry guy. He actually may be the mosteven-keeled person I know, but Kara brings out a side of him that scares me. Not that he gets angry, actually quite the opposite. She treats him like a doormat, even if he would never admit that.

“She’s trying.” He sighs. “That’s all I can ask for.”

“No, you canaskfor her to respect you.”

“She does respect me.” The lie of the century rolls off his tongue so well I genuinely wonder if he believes it.

“Are you going to meet up with everyone after your call?” I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from Kara as it never goes the way I intend it to. It always results in me sounding like a dick. I’m pretty sure Kara hates me, but I don’t care.

“I don’t know, haven’t decided. Probably depends on how this call goes.” Which is code forif we don’t get back together, I may throw myself off the ski lift. “What about you? You plan on getting some time in on the slopes before we head back home?”

“Nah.” I don’t elaborate as I stand up and adjust my sweatpants around my waist so that they sit straight.

In the kitchen, I find a plate piled high with crispy bacon and a pan of scrambled eggs. They must have just left, because the food is still a little warm. I fix myself a plate and dig in, desperate to wash the taste of last night off my tongue. Brushing my teeth didn’t do it, so maybe this will.

Our flight is scheduled to leave at 6:00 PM, giving me just enough time to go back to bed until everyone returns from skiing. I wake up to pounding on my bedroom door, this time far less pleasant than Gabe’s gentle knocks in the morning.

“What?!” I yell, making my irritation evident as I bury my face in my pillow.

The incessant pounding on the door doesn’t stop and I’m forced to stand up and stomp over to open it. I repeat myself as I swing the door open. “What?”

An irritated Sage is standing on the other side. Typically, she’s the picture of carefree, but something seems to have crawled up her ass and died today.

“We leave in an hour.” She’s short with me, which is unusual.

My irritation melts away, replaced with concern. “Are you okay?”

Sage pauses before shaking her head as if to convince herself. “Yeah, I’m fine. But you need to get moving.” I don’t expect her to be forthcoming—she seldom is—but it’s obvious something is bugging her.

Is everyone completely discombobulated today?

“Ma’am, yes ma’am.” I mockingly salute her, causing her to finally smile.

“Don’t call me that,” she says with a laugh before pushing me into my room. “Now get packed.”