Page 37 of Mostly Loathing You

It reminds me of home more than I would like to admit. I avoid going back to Live Oak most of the time, but there are a few things I miss about it.

My parents? No.

High school? No.

The perfectly manicured oak trees in our neighborhood? Possibly.

We run for about forty-five minutes before we’re back where we started, a few feet from the parking lot where only our two cars reside.

Jackson gulps down half his bottle of water and I do the same, the sweat pebbling on my brow cooling me from the now-balmy Georgia morning.

“You happy we have a short week?”

What a loaded question. Am I happy to be away from Baker & Park for a few days? Yes, but unfortunately the single reason I want to avoid work will be with me, so is it really a break?

“Meh, pretty indifferent.”

“Don’t act so enthused to celebrate my pending nuptials,” Jackson says with a dry tone before cracking a grin. “I get it, but I promise you’ll have fun. You like skiing.”

He’s right, I do, but something about the company has me ready to upchuck the very alcohol that has made this morning run brutal. I’m not ready to unpack what happened between Liam and me with Jackson. Not that I think he’d care—I just don’t think I’d hear the end of it.

“You’re right. I’m just…on edge. I have an audition later this afternoon.”

“I’m sure you’ll do great.” Jackson tries to give me a reassuring smile, but it seems more like a grimace. I’ve been auditioning without luck for way longer than I would like, and I can feel the people around me growing tired of me bringing it up.

“Thanks.” I clear my throat. “I’m going to head home and get ready.”

“You’re gonna kill it.” He smiles, a bit more genuinely this time. “Come here.”

Despite the disgusted expression I offer him, Jackson pulls me into a hug, his sweaty shirt sticking to my own.


“Just let it happen.”

Like I have a choice—he has me in a vise grip. Lucky for me, it’s over quickly.

“I’ll call you after.”

I walk back to my car, hopeful, but I can’t shake the sour feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I tap my foot, my nervous tic overly obvious to the room around me as I hum my audition piece under my breath.

While I was relieved to have had an extra few days to prepare after auditions were pushed back due to a scheduling conflict, it’s also given me a couple more days to internally freak out about it. I’ve prepared three different songs for this audition, none of which I’m 100% confident about. While one of them shows my range better, I also have one in mind that I’ve performed hundreds of times and would nail easily, though it doesn’t have the same key changes and higher-register parts.

“Nervous?” A beautiful brunette sits down next to me, clearly dressed for the same audition. I hate knowing that we’re more than likely going for the same role, but I don’t have it in me to wish her ill will or to hope that she flops.

Okay, maybe a little bit, but definitely not out loud.

“A little, you?”

“Petrified.” She laughs, turning her upper body toward me, and extends her hand. “I’m Luna.”

“Hannah.” I smile, shaking her hand politely. To my surprise, her kindness calms me a bit, but not enough to take down my guard.

“Who are you auditioning for?”

“Annabeth, you?”