Page 17 of Mostly Loathing You

“If you had checked your calendar, you would know that her parents are in town. I’m due to dinner in a half-hour with them, withherin attendance.”

Why he thinks I should have a handle on his social calendar, I will never know, even if he insists on adding them to my own.

“I didn’t reali—”

“It would do you well to attend, Liam. George and Linda would appreciate seeing you.” He turns from me, aiming a more docile expression toward her. “Head out, Hannah. Go home, freshen up, and we’ll see you at Andre’s at 7:30.”

Once again, my dad undermines my authority in my own office. I can’t say I’m shocked.

To my surprise, Hannah’s eyes meet mine, an expression of conflict on her face. I nod in her direction, causing her to close her laptop and pull it to her chest as she jumps from her seat. Hannah places the flash drive she’d been working on on the corner of my desk and I snatch it up instantly.

She makes her way out to her desk, the door clicking shut behind her.

“Are you out of your mind, Liam?” His stern tone causes a shiver to run down my spine.

“Dad, she’s my assistant. If you didn’t want her to work, I don’t know why you got her the job in the first place.”

I try my best to keep my annoyance at bay, pressing the drive into the USB port of my computer, pulling up an array of documents meticulously organized. It’s so orderly that I would think I’d done it myself.

“I got her this job as a favor to her father. Yes, I want her to work, but during herworkinghours. Your personal vendetta against the girl needs to be left at the door.”

“I didn’t—”

“You did, and I expect it not to happen again. If you need her to stay late, it needs to be approved. Until then, she leaves by 5:30.”

That is hardly standard practice at this firm, but I’m not going to bring that up right now.

Gulping, I nod, my eyes not meeting his.

“Dinner with George and Linda, be there.”

As quickly as he enters, my dad is gone again, leaving a sour feeling in my stomach at his words. I’m meticulous about being professional in the office with our employees, so for himto insinuate that I would weaponize Hannah’s job against her doesn’t sit well with me.

Did I, though?

My eyes return to the screen in front of me, all the documents I need for tomorrow’s meeting laid out in order of necessity, as easy to navigate as if I had handled it myself.

I reach up to rub my eyes in exhaustion before flipping my laptop shut, stuffing it into the padded compartment of my bag. As I exit my office, I see Hannah is already gone, except I notice the case files printed and stacked on the edge of her desk. She took the time to print these for me before she headed out? I don’t like the feeling this causes in my stomach.

The papers crinkle slightly as I snatch them up, heading back into my office to set them down so I have them for tomorrow.

As I leave the Newmont tower in which Baker & Park is situated, I question what direction to go. Should I go to our joint family dinner, or go home?

My stomach growls, a not-so-subtle reminder that I really should just attend.

I make my way down to Andre’s, a bistro only a block from the office. The memory of their chicken melt has my mouth watering, but as I approach the restaurant, I stop in my tracks as I catch a glimpse of Hannah across the table from my parents, a laugh being pulled from her far more effortlessly than I am used to. It’s nice, but I don’t have the time to unpack that thought.

My hand reaches for the doorknob, but I pause. I should go home.

I don’t want to be around her any more than I have to.

The grin plastered across her face as she presses the glass of red wine to her lips causes me to step backward, making myway back to the parking garage. I pull out my phone as I walk away.


Can’t make it to dinner, something came up. I’ll see you in the morning.

Knowing him as well as I do, I don’t expect a text back from my dad. My stomach growls as I reach my car, pocketing my cell phone.