Page 13 of Mostly Loathing You

As I’m already halfway through writing it down, this earns him an involuntary eye roll.

“Did you have something to say?” As Liam leans back in his chair, his hands crossed over his chest, I feel my stomach churn.

He’s taunting me, I can feel it.

Yet I don’t walk away.

In any other environment, I would snap back at him. I would tell him to eat a bag of dicks. But I need this job and I have absolutely no faith that he wouldn’t throw me under the bus the first chance he gets.

“No.” I speak quietly, the sting of my nails biting into the palm of my hand.

I can’t let him rile me up.

“That’s what I thought.” Liam’s eyes divert to Jackson’s, but I don’t miss the smirk he wears. “I think we’ve got everything we can at this point.”

With little pleasantries, we wrap up the meeting.

My phone pings as I’m standing to gather my things. Despite this, I don’t check it in an attempt to get out of the room as soon as possible. I jump up in an effort to get to my desk without another snide remark from Liam.

As I make my way down the hallway back to my desk, the sound of Liam’s overpriced loafers catches up, on my tail despite my efforts.

“Hannah!” he yells from behind me, causing me to stop in place.

“What’s up?” I resist the urge to bite his head off, and as people pass us, I am reminded of just how inappropriate that would be.

“I need you to go through the notes sent over from Tollies’s old representation and compile it for review. It needs to be more digestible for my 9:00 AM tomorrow, so I need it by end of day.”

“But it’s almost 5:00 PM. That’s going to take me hours.”Don’t snap, don’t snap, don’t snap.

“Then get to it, princess.” With that, he walks away without another word.

It’s not that sifting through notes is a skilled or difficult task, it’s just tedious and can’t really be expedited…a fact with which Liam is very well acquainted.

I’ve been biting my tongue since starting because I want to remain professional, but the more I’m around Liam, the more I find my resolve deteriorating by the minute.

He’s such an asshole!

Plopping into my chair, I reach for my phone, pulling up the email that came through, hopeful.

My stomach sours in an instant as I realize it’s yet anotherjunk email and not the director of the show I auditioned for informing me I’ve been cast.

In the four weeks I’ve been in Atlanta, I’ve gone to three auditions; this is now the third audition they have passed me over for. The stats really aren’t looking great for me.

I reach up to rub my eyes, remembering just how long of a night I have ahead of me.

“Hannah.” Liam’s voice carries out to my desk, causing my stomach to sour.

Leave me alone,fuck.

“Yes, Liam?” I allow my annoyance to seep into my words, the veil I’ve been fighting to keep in place slipping.

“Hannah.” His voice drops to a growl, a reprimanding tone. It causes the hair on my arms to stand, a shiver running down my spine.


It’s no secret that I’ve always had a flair for the dramatics, yet even I am surprised when I barge into Liam and Jackson’s office without a shred of decorum.

“What could you possibly want, Park?” Crossing my arms over my chest, I feel the blood rush to my face as I barely keep my rage at bay.