Page 103 of Mostly Loathing You

“I don’t know,” I whisper as my head meets the back of the couch. I wish I had an answer—hell, if we’re in the market of granting wishes, I’d ask that this never happened.

But it did.

Sooner or later I am going to have to deal with the fallout, but that won’t be today.

“I booked a show. It’s a national tour. I leave for New York next week.” The words flow off my tongue, almost melancholy, causing Sage’s eyes to go wide.

“Holy shit, Han! Way to bury the fucking lead. Oh my God, that’s incredible!” She claps twice before falling back onto the couch. “Why don’t you seem excited?”

“Because the one person I was excited to tell isn’t here, and I can’t even ask him to be.”

“Well, you cou—”


“I’m not saying youshould. I’m just saying you could. My personal opinion is that you should let him sweat it out. Go to New York, find a hot piece of ass.”

“Aren’t you and Liam, like, really good friends?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Her eyes meet mine before she rolls them in exasperation.A moment of silence passes between us as her expression becomes more serious.

“Yeah, we’re close. However, he’s an idiot and I’ve never pretended that isn’t true.”


“You deserve better. Not that you deserve better than him, but you deserve better than him making you feel this way. No one deserves to be less-than. So yeah, ignore him right now. Ice him out, but when the time comes, I want you to do something for me.”

“And what is that?”

“Give him hell.”



Stepping into Andre’s, I don’t even begin to pretend like I’m not looking around hoping to find her. I know she isn’t here—she’s at home with Sage—but my eyes still linger on every blonde for a moment too long just the same.

“Hey, what was so urgent that I had to drop everything, including the fitness class I was in the middle of, to come meet you for dinner?”

Gabe is outwardly irritated, but he and I both know that he actually doesn’t care…frankly, he doesn’t even have a leg to stand on in this scenario. The number of times I’ve had to pick him up out of a gutter piss-drunk because Kara broke up with him again is actually concerning; I’ve earned at least one no-questions-asked, drop-everything kind of moment.

“How’s Kara?”

He pins me with a glare before letting out an exhale. “Fair enough, but what was so urgent?”

I pull out the chair opposite him at the back of the restaurant and slide in. The menu in front of me is practically committed to memory at this point. Unfortunately, they onlyserve their signature roast chicken on Tuesdays, so I’ll have to settle for something else. Maybe I’ll try the chicken penne Hannah doesn’t shut up about.

“Hannah won’t talk to me.”

His eyes meet mine as he bites back a laugh. “Okay? Sounds like a dream come true for you.”

Six months ago, I would have agreed with him. I used to wish for a time where Hannah would threaten not to talk to me and actually mean it. However, that hasn’t been the case for a very long time.

“Well, seeing as I have feelings for her, it’s less than opportune.”

Gabe opens his mouth, bellowing as his shoulders shake with laughter so hard it makes his eyes water. His entire face turns a deep shade of red to match the fiery mop of hair atop his head.
