Page 33 of Mostly Loathing You

But something aboutthisguy bothers me.

His cocky demeanor doesn’t sit well with me, and the way his hand rakes over the hem at the back of Hannah’s shirt causes my hands to ball into fists.

“Who is that?” I nod my head in the direction of Captain Douche, pulling Savannah’s attention.

Her expression perks up almost instantly—Savannah has never been known for not getting involved in other people’s business.

“No idea. He’s cute, though,” she says with a grin. I watch the amusement drain from her eyes, replaced by an expression of concern. “Why? Is there something wrong with him? Should I go get Hannah?”

Would I like her to? Yeah, I’d fucking like that a lot. Should she, though? Probably not. I’d never live that one down.

“No, I don’t know the guy. I was just curious.”

This appears to satisfy her, but I know better than to accept Savannah being satisfied by anything that could instead be molded by her.

The bartender reappears with my two shots of tequila, both garnished with a lime wedge.

My original intention was to bring the other to Gabe, but as I make my way to the back of the bar, I am standing in front of Hannah before I realize what I’m doing.

“Take a shot with me,” I demand, causing her brows to shoot up to her hairline.

“Why would I do that?”

“Humor me.” My dry tone is clear as I refuse to break oureye contact. This lingers for a few moments before Hannah reaches out and grabs the shot glass from me. However, she doesn’t do what I ask.

“Okay.” Her head turns to Dr. Douchenozel with a sly grin painted across her lips. “Body shot?”

I watch hesitation coat his expression. “I would, but…I don’t do tequila. I’ll end up throwing up on you.”

Grow up.

But also, the disgusting image this paints is not even close to gross enough to quell the sense of relief I feel at his refusal.

Hannah pouts for a moment before turning back toward me, prepared to hand the shot back.

“Why don’t you take the body shot off of her, Liam?” I know the voice from behind me as it crawls up my neck, causing me to turn on my heels.


“You see…I would, but…” I clear my throat, trying to think of a reason not to. “We have two shots. We’re trying to figure out what to do with hers.”

“I’ll take the extra shot if Hannah doesn’t want to return the favor.” The implication in Sage’s words causes my skin to heat. “Off you, of course.”

The gasp this pulls from Hannah is nothing short of vindicating. Her flustered expression is all too familiar, but it’s been years since I noticed the current look in her eyes.


“Don’t be ridiculous,” Hannah grits out, only to be returned with an expression of defiance on Sage’s face.

“Fine.” Sage appears to concede for a split second. “I’ll just take the other shot…but Liam still has to take his off you.”

The red painting Hannah’s face causes my blood to heat, a hopefulness strumming through my veins that she’s caving.

“Okay.” She nearly gasps as she says it.

My brows lift before my attention shifts to the clearly uncomfortable guy she’s currently sitting on top of.

Yeah, I don’t really care.