Knock. Knock.

Both our heads jerk toward the closed door of our office. Most of the people who frequent our office rarely knock as they have an access card to get past the locked door, leaving Liam and me confused. Neither of us jumps to answer it.

Knock. Knock.

As if this knocks Liam to reality, he jumps up from his seat, darting toward the door. He opens the door and slams it shut within a second. I don’t even get the chance to see who it is.

He walks back to his desk nonchalantly as he continues to pack his bag.

“Who was that?” My gaze travels to him, then back to the door.

“Oh—it was Hannah.”

Wait, Hannah’s here?

I jump from my seat, leaving it spinning behind me as I dart to the door to find a red-faced blonde ball of fury standing on the other side. She jets past me, planting her hands on the edge of Liam’s desk.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Park?! You slammed the door in my face!”

If this were a cartoon, I am sure I would be seeing steam flowing out of her ears. Liam, however, seems unfazed by it. The points of Hannah’s ears are beet red, at least five shades darker than the pink on her cheeks.

“Well yeah, they say don’t let vampires inside. It’s only good sense.”

He doesn’t look up from his bag as he shuffles its contents around, exaggerating the importance of it to rile Hannah more. The longer he refuses to look at her, the more red Hannah’s face grows.

“Asshole!” she yells as she slams her hands on his desk, causing his gaze to finally meet hers. He shifts his attitude almost instantly before stepping toward her.

“Oh, I’m sorry, princess. I’m so excited to see you. Oh, how I’ve missed your shrewd voice permeating my eardrums. You’re so beautiful when you haven’t plucked your eyebrows.” He reaches up, rubbing the space between his brows, “—missed a spot.”

Hannah squeals as he continues rifling through his bag, unfazed by her anger.

I’m choking back a laugh at the show in front of me, the two managing to fight without a single real conflict between the two. It really is a talent. They’ve managed to hone their craft flawlessly.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, drawing Hannah’s attention to me.

“Yeah—what areyoudoinghere?” Liam manages to shift the motivations in my question.

“I missed you.” She seems to calm, walking toward me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

Liam tosses a package of disinfectant wipes onto my desk as he walks by, causing Hannah to chuck them at the back of his head as he makes his way to the door.

“I’m heading out, man.” Liam looks to me, then to Hannah, then back to me. “Be sure to get her out of here when you go. Last thing we want to do is deal with that smell in the morning.”

And with that, Hannah squeals again, this time pulling a grin from Liam’s lips that she doesn’t see. He’s amused, and she’s seconds from lighting him ablaze.

I laugh. “Sounds good, man. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Walking over, I close the door behind him.

Hannah sits down in my desk chair, spinning it in place.

“So—what are you really doing here?”

“You haven’t told me about France.” She pouts, stopping her spin as she faces me.

“You came all the way from New York to ask me how my vacation was?”

Hannah bites at her inner cheek as if searching for the words. Something is up with her, and I can’t figure out what. I used to be able to read her like a map, now it is like every time we talk, I am searching for answers to things I should know.