“I don’t know what you would’ve expected me to do about that. You two fight when I’m around just as much.”
“No—not the same. She wouldn’t leave me the hell alone. The entire time, it’s like her entire life’s mission was to piss me off. Which she did—in spades. At least when you’re around, you two go do stuff together, leaving me with a moment of peace in my life.”
“She’s not that bad.”
“Oh—she really is Jackson. She really is. Her princess tendencies nearly ruined the entire trip. She complained about everything we did. Our parents didn’t notice because sweet little Hannah had the wool over their eyes, but I did. She complains about everything. It’s enraging.”
“Sort of like you’re complaining about her right now?”
He glares at me, finding another ball from his drawer to chuck at me, this time hitting me square in the nose. The ball falls to the floor as I look down at my phone, staring at Gen’s contact number. She’s still saved in my phone as Vivi. Her number hasn’t changed since we were kids. I’ve texted her a few times since she barreled out of the airport yesterday, but no response has come my way. Despite this, I keep reaching out.
did you get back to your place ok?
I start at baker & park today, wish me luck
Staring down at my phone, I struggle with what to say, not wanting to come across as more aggressive than I already have.
Short and sweet, let’s just see if she responds to this one. I reach up, rubbing my eyes, trying desperately to quell the frustration bubbling up inside me. Just because I saw it coming doesn’t mean it doesn’t get to me. I was really hoping it was different this time.
“Whose side are you on anyway?” Liam’s voice brings me back to our conversation.
“Neither—you two are grown adults who act like children. I have no stake in this game between you two. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you have a schoolboy crush on her.”
I don’t look up from my phone.
This elicits a reaction—which I intend. I know that he isn’t into her, but it is easily one of the funniest things to watch him react when I say it.
A third ball comes flying at me.
“I would rather stick my dick in a meat grinder.” He huffs, turning toward his computer to actually get some work done.
“Dude—how many of these do you have?”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, Jackson,” he says, not looking up from his computer.
The day passes by quickly, but I don’t expect that to be the standard. I spend most of my day in Human Resources filling out paperwork. Liam takes me around to the departments introducing me to everyone. Overall it seems like a welcoming company. I’m told Mr. Baker is out of town, and thus everyone is more relaxed in his absence than they normally would be. I guess Stephen is the good cop in their duo—which entirely makes sense to me.
Liam rubs his eyes as he peers up at the clock hanging on the wall. It’s 7:00 PM, and despite my lack of workload yet, I am intent on staying until he leaves.
“I’m going to head out. I need a drink.”
“My buddy and I are going to Harry’s around the corner if you want to join us.”
He looks at me for a second, appearing to contemplate his decision.
We arrive at Harry’s to find Wes being handed his second beer as the bartender grabs his previous glass from the far lip of the bar. Empty stools line the bar top as Wes sits in the middle. The sound of the Braves game travels through the bar, filling the empty space.
“Hey, man.” I plop down next to him, and Liam follows suit as he finds a seat on the opposite side of me. The stool creaks as I settle in.
“Hey,” Wes responds before looking up. He stands up when he sees Liam, outstretching his hand to reach in front of me toward him. “I’m Wes.”