“Great.” Wesley’s eyes shift, rolling them as he walks forward with Savannah toward the restaurant. My eyes met Jackson’s, expecting him to say something, but he was as calm as he always is.
My footfall moves across the brick lain walkway as we venture toward town. The breathtaking spread of pastel colors veils the houses and businesses alike, with planters lining the walk with greenery and trees. I couldn’t help but notice the look on Gen’s face when Savannah mentioned the beach, and even though we aren’t on perfect terms, I don’t want to see her uncomfortable or scared.
The grin that spreads across her face as she and Savannah peruse the shops is infectious and a welcome reprieve from before. It is enough to make me smile too. Seeing her happy is worth the discomfort this trip has brought on.
“Eh-hem.” Wes’s overdramatized clearing of his throat pulls me back to reality. I don’t realize until this moment that I have been staring, my eyes focused on Gen. Luckily, her attention is on Savannah.
I stare back at him as if I haven’t just been gawking.
“Nothing—nothing at all, man.” The obvious amusement paints his face as Wes shakes his head. He isn’t typically the type to pry, and I don’t think he is going to. Despite that, it is clear that Savannah’s tendencies are wearing off on him, so I have less and less faith that that is true.
My attention is pulled from Wes almost as quickly as it found him, finding a magnetic head of brown locks darting toward me. Savannah stays ahead but focuses her attention on us as well.
“Jackson…Wesley…” Gen grins from ear to ear, looking back and forth between us.
I know that look on her face, and she is without a doubt about to ask for something. If it means I get to continue to see that relaxed and joyous expression on her face, even though I don’t know what she wants yet, I am inclined to say I’ll give her whatever it is.
“Yes, Gen?”
I do my best to mimic her stance back at her, leveling her same brand of enthusiasm. My amusement is painted on as I grin down at her.
“Savannah and I were thinking…” her sentence trails off as if I am not attuned to her antics. “We were thinking we’d continue shopping, and you guys can go do whatever it is that you guys do. You following us ten steps behind is causing stares. People probably think you guys are scoping out prospective kidnapping victims.”
A laugh catches in my throat. I’m tempted to retort until I realize this opens up an opportunity for us to leave without looking like jerks.
“If you insist, Gen.” I smile as I watch her face light up.
That smile, I swear.
“We’ll meet you guys back at the house later. I was thinking we could check out Petit Valentien. They’re supposed to have the most incredible Pieds Paquets.”
I take a moment to register the dish’s meaning, I am by no means fluent in French, but I have a basic understanding conversationally. I get there eventually.
“Packets of feet?”
“When in Rome?” She shrugs, her grin not faltering.
“We’re in France.”
Her amusement is starting to wear off on me, but I can’t let that one slide, even if I am sure it is more the expression than the place.
“C’est la vie?”
“There you go, Sav. French. We’re in France.”
“Oh, whatever, you jackass. We’ll see you at the house at five.”
Gen chuckles as Savannah trails off mid-sentence, looping her arm through her own, dragging her down the walk back toward the shops. My eyes don’t falter as the two disappear down the street. As I turn back to face Wes, I know right away what is meeting me when our eyes meet. He has a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Nothing. Nothing.” He shakes his head.