It figures.

“Right. Well, that’s… Right.”

I manage to stop myself uttering the words “that’s a relief”, but I can see from the slight upturn of Jett’s mouth that he knows what I’m thinking, anyway.

“Relax, Lexie,” he says. “She won’t be back until tomorrow. You’re safe. You want a drink? Something to eat? The first-aider who checked you over said you should avoid alcohol for now, but I can call room service, if you want something else?”

“Really? You’d do that?”

I gaze up at him, surprised.

“Sure,” he says. “The cellphone reception went down with the power, but I think I should still be able to get an internal line on the room phone.”

“No, I mean, you don’t want me to leave? Like, immediately?”

I try to stand up, but my head instantly protests at the movement, so I let myself sink back down again before I can fall over.

“Hey,” Jett says, his eyes wide. “Don’t… don’t try to exert yourself, okay? Emily said to keep you quiet. I told her that would probably be tricky, because being quiet isn’t exactly your specialty, but I promised I’d at least try.”

His eyes crinkle at the edges as he smiles. It’s adorable.

“I don’t even remember seeing her,” I say ruefully. “It’s all a bit of a blur after that thing fell.”

“Yeah, I’m not surprised.” Jett picks up the room service menu and scans it. “She said you gave yourself quite a bump on the head. Emily said to just try to rest up for now, but we’ll get you checked out first thing tomorrow morning. Or tonight, if the road clears. I’ll just get them to bring us a bit of everything, okay?”

I nod dumbly. I’m not hungry, but I don’t want to bring this unexpected encounter to an end either, and I’m worried that if I refuse the food, there’ll be no reason for me to stay here. I picture myself spending the night curled up on a couch in the clubhouse, with Mum at the other end.


“What about Mum?” I ask tentatively. “Where are we going to sleep? If we have to stay here at The View, I mean?”

“There’s a spare bedroom upstairs,” said Jett, picking up the phone on the bedside table and dialing 0 for reception. “Don’t worry; there’s plenty of room. They’re pretty big, these cabins. You have to stay awake for now, though, Emily said, so don’t try to sleep just yet.”

“I won’t. I’m not tired.”

I am tired, but there’s no way I’m sleeping when I have the opportunity to talk to Jett instead, and tell him… what was it I wanted to tell him again?

I reach up and massage my temples as Jett puts through the room service order.

“Hey,” he says softly, crossing the room to crouch by my chair as soon as he’s done. “You feeling okay? You don’t feel sick or anything?”

“No, I’m fine,” I lie, looking into his familiar face. He’s very close. I hold my breath, not even daring to speak in case I ruin this. Which, knowing me, I probably will.

“I think I’m going to try to call the doctor again,” says Jett, standing up abruptly. “I don’t believe there’s only one road in and out of this place. That’s insane, right? We need a doctor.”

“I’m fine, Jett,” I tell him again. “Honestly. Stop pacing like that; you’re making me nervous. And, yes, there’s only one road, and it gets blocked all the time. Welcome to the Highlands.”

“What about a helicopter?” says Jett, still pacing. “We could fly you to the nearest hospital. I’m going to get Grace to check that out. There must be a helicopter we can hire.”

“Jett!” I say loudly. He finally stops and turns to look at me.

“Maybe if I just have some food first?” I say tentatively. “Then we can think about helicopters later, if we need to? Which we won’t, because, like I said, I’m fine.”

Jett runs an exasperated hand through his hair, then sits down on the end of the bed.

“Okay, okay,” he says. “We’ll wait for the food. But you have to stay awake, okay? And someone has to stay with you. That’s what Emily said. That’s why I got them to bring you here.”

I still don’t remember seeing Emily tonight, but I think I might love her.