He raises his eyes to the two men on the couch as he says this, not bothering to lower his voice.

Don’t even think about messing with her, his expression says.Or I will well and truly fuck you up.

For a day that started out with an altercation with a sheep farmer, then proceeded to throw me right into the path of Violet King, this afternoon’s actually turning out pretty well, all things considered. And that’s evenwiththe weirdness of the ‘two dads’ thing.

We spend another twenty minutes or so making stilted conversation with Lochlan and Alan, both of whom seem — predictably — much more interested in Jett than in me. Just as Lochlan finally works up the courage to ask for a selfie with him, though (“For my daughters,” he says. “They’re big fans.”), my phone beeps with a message, and I glance down at it, hoping desperately for a reprieve from this awkwardness.

And I get it, too: just not in quite the way I was hoping.

“Oh my God, Jett,” I gasp, feeling the blood drain from my face in a panic. “We have to go. I forgot to go back to work!”


“What do you mean you forgot? How can youforgetyou’re supposed to be at work, Lexie?”

Hazel’s previously friendly demeanor has long-since disappeared by the time Jett drops me off back at the View. I can see why Jack Buchanan hired her now.

“I… wasn’t feeling well, Hazel,” I tell her. “I hurt my ankle.”

I raise my leg to show her the ankle in question, but it looks disappointingly normal, although it still hurts when I try to put my full weight on it. I guess the bag of frozen fish fingers Mum dug out of the freezer before we left have done the job, then. Amazing.

“I thought I was going to faint,” I add, seeing the unconvinced look on her face. “I almost did, in fact. It was a good job Jett was there; he tried to insist on taking me to the hospital, but I knew you’d need me back here, and I didn’t want to let you down.”

I arrange my face in its most pious expression, hoping she’s not going to ask about the picnic baskets, which I’ve just this second remembered are still in the back of the car.

(Well, two of them are in the back of the car. Now that I think about it, I don’t remember putting the third one back after I hauled it out in the car park. Let’s hope no one noticed it sitting there, because that could really ruin my “dedicated worker who only cares about the job” act.)

“But you did let me down, Lexie,” huffs Hazel, pushing a lock of escaped hair back behind her ear. “I’ve just had to try to explain to Justin Duval’s assistant why we sent one basket of food for the entire crew, and left it in the car park unattended.”

So theydidnotice it, then.


“I’m really sorry, Hazel,” I begin weakly, but she’s not done with me yet.

“It’s not just me you’ve let down, either,” she says, annoyed. “It’s McTavish, too. He’s the one who gave you this job, Lexie. I’d have thought you’d at least have wanted to do it well — for his sake, if not for mine.”

She looks at me meaningfully. I’m going to assume this means the “fake relationship” news has spread, and that my immediate boss nowalsothinks I’m only here because I’m sleeping with the joint owner of the place. It would be fair to say the day has taken a downward turn.

“Idowant to do it well,” I say guiltily. “I really do. Getting McTavish into trouble is the very last thing I want. Seriously, Hazel.”

This is true. But as Hazel locks eyes with me, I have a horrible feeling she doesn’t believe me.

“You’re really lucky Jett Carter was the person who drove you home,” she says, sniffing. “If it had been anyone else, I honestly don’t think I’d be able to keep you on, Lexie. I really don’t. But luckily for you, Mr. Carter has apparently taken full responsibility for what happened, so you get to keep your job. For now.”

I nod meekly, knowing better than to try to say anything else.

I can’t believe Jett took the blame for me. I should really thank him for that.??Assuming I ever see him again.

“You owe him one, Lexie,” Hazel tells me, her expression serious. “And me, too. So don’t let it happen again, okay? I’m counting on you here.”

“I won’t let you down, Hazel,” I assure her, using my most sincere tone of voice. “I promise. Anything you need me to do, just let me know. Anything at all.”

“Right,” she says, glancing over my head to the double doors of the reception. “I’m glad you said that. You can start by checking in these new guests. McTavish showed you what to do, didn’t he? Cabin 12 is ready for them. Banquo had to move to the Travelodge to make room, apparently.”

I turn around, curious.

New guests?