Jett and Violet, starring as husband and wife in a movie. Arriving together on a private plane. Working together every day. Closely.Reallyclosely, actually: I should know — I’ve seen the script.

I thought that me and Jett breaking up was the worst thing that could happen to me. And in a way, I was almost comforted by that knowledge, because if the worst thing that could happen hadalready happened, that meant nothing else could hurt me, right?

But I was wrong.

As it turns out, theworstthing that could happen to me is Jett getting back together with his beautiful, famous ex-girlfriend: the one everyone thought was the love of his life, until I came along.

That’s therealworst thing that could happen.


“Actually, lightning is more likely to strike twice in the same place,” says Summer when I Facetime her that night for an update. “It’s something to do with the places that lightning strikes being more vulnerable to it or something. So a bit like you are with Jett.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you about this,” I say wearily. “I should just have kept pretending to be fine.”

“Oh, I knew you weren’t fine,” she says, looking uncharacteristically serious. “You’re notthatgood an actress.”

“I’m not an actress at all,” I point out miserably. “So that’ll be why I’m not that convincing. Violet is, though. I betVioletwould have had you fooled.”

“Forget Violet,” Summer says briskly. “Violet isn’t your problem here.”

“Yes, she is,” I reply. “Violet’salwaysbeen my problem. Remember how she tried to split me and Jett up that time?”

“Yeah, and she didn’t manage it, did she?” says Summer. “Because Jett wasn’t interested in her. You can’t steal a person, Lexie. Not unless they want to be stolen.”

“Well, maybe hedoeswant to be stolen?” I argue, sticking to my guns. “He must do. They arrived in Scotland together. On his plane.”

“So?” Summer shrugs, and pops something into her mouth. I’m pretty sure it’s popcorn, actually. Did she seriously makepopcornfor this?

“They’re working together,” she goes on. “You knew that. Or have you forgotten what happened when you found out Violet got the role?”

I groan, and put my head in my hands so I don’t have to look at her. Violet getting the role of Jett’s wife in this movie is another one of those things I’ve been trying to forget about. But it’s hard to forget a thing like your most significant ex filming love scenes withhismost significant ex, isn’t it? Especially when the evidence is all over the news, and everyone in town wants to stop you for a heart-to-heart about it. Even Bella McGowan popped into the pub for a quick chat about Jett and Violet yesterday, and Bella must be about 105 by now. Atleast.

“Look, you don’t know they’retogethertogether,” says Summer sensibly. “They could just be, you know,together. For the movie.”

“Maybe it’s a showmance?” I say, brightening. “To promote the movie? Maybe they’re justpretendingto be together, to get publicity for it? That’s how Jett and I started out.”

“Yeah,” says Summer, chewing on her popcorn. “That was weird. I don’t think he’d want to do that again, do you?”

I pause, considering. When Jett’s agent, Asher, suggested I pretend to be Jett’s girlfriend, to help him get the role in Macbeth, Jett was even more opposed to the idea than I was. I really can’t see him wanting to do the same thing again, with a different leading lady. Particularly not Violet, who was the person who leaked the whole story to the press.

Which means it must be real.

“That doesn’t make sense either, though,” says Summer when I put this theory to her. “Why would he want to get back together with the woman who told the world he was in a fake relationship withyou?”

“You’re making it sound weirder than it was,” I tell her, even though itwaspretty weird, really, even for me. “I was just doing him a favor.”

“And getting paid for it.”

She blushes and puts her hands over her mouth.

“Sorry,” she whispers guiltily. “That just popped out.”

“Ididn’tget paid for it,” I tell her, trying not to take offense. “I didn’t take a penny from Jett. Or, I mean, Ididto start with, because that was the deal. But I gave it all back. I didn’t want his money, Summer. I know that’s what everyone thinks, but—”

“Nah,” she says, shaking her head. “I know you weren’t in it for the money. You were so obviously in it forhim, Lex. Like I said, you’re not that good an actress.”

Which brings us back to Violet.