Hereallydidn’t need to do that.

Not if he didn’t mean it.


I turn around to find Grace standing at the bar, looking slightly bedraggled after what I’m guessing was probably a long day on set, helping Jett.

“I bumped into Jett outside.” She says it almost apologetically, as if she’s worried she’s going to upset me. “He told me you were working here.”

She slides onto a bar stool and shakes her head when I offer her a drink.

“I can’t stay,” she says. “We’ve got another early start tomorrow. I just wanted to say hi. Hey, are you okay? You look kind of sad?”

“I’m fine,” I lie. “I just… I had a bit of a run in with Jett. He wasn’t exactly pleased to see me here.”

“Oh, right, because of McTavish?” Grace says. “Oh! Wait! Isthatwhy you’re working here? So you can be close to McTavish?Oh my God, Lexie, that’s so romantic! I wish I could meet someone who loved me so much he wanted me with him all the time. I wish I could find my McTavish.”

I wish I could, too. But I can’t tell her that, obviously: or not without admitting I lied to her before.

“What do you mean, ‘because of McTavish’?” I ask, looking at her suspiciously. “You didn’t tell Jett about me and McTavish, did you? Grace!”

“Umm, Imighthave let something slip,” she admits, her cheeks turning pink. “Just a teeny-tiny little thing. I was telling him that you’d got a job at that pub, and how it was really cool because that’s McTavish’s local, so now you’ll be able to see each other all the time. I’m sorry, Lexie! I was just so excited for you.”

She covers her face with her hands and peers at me through her fingers. It’s impossible to be annoyed with her.

“And… what did Jett say?”

I try to sound casual as I ask this question. Like I really don’t care what the answer is. But as I wait for her to speak, I realize I’m holding my breath.

“Oh, he wasnotpleased,” Grace says, rolling her eyes. “Like, Violet wasthrilled, obviously. Because I think she thought you being with someone else would make you less of a threat to her? But Jett was all, ‘She’s seeingwho?’ Like he was jealous? Then they had a fight about it. That wasnotfun.”

I turn away to hide my smile. It might not have been fun for Grace to witness it, but hearing about Jett and Violet fighting is definitely fun for me.

Like he was jealous.

She literally used the word “jealous”. About Jett finding out I was supposedly seeing McTavish. She definitely said that, didn’t she?

I’m just about to ask her to repeat it, just to make sure I haven’t misunderstood, when I remember another question I had for her.

“Speaking of The Crown,” I say casually. “Did you book it on purpose last night? To try to get me and Jett back together?”

She looks at me blankly.

“Er, why would I do that?” she asks. “You’re with McTavish now? You told me yourself. And anyway, it wasn’t up to me. I wanted to book this other place — The 39? It lookedgorgeous. Perfect for a cast party. Way better than that pub they ended up at.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” I reply patiently. “So, why didn’t you?”

“Oh, Jett wouldn’t let me,” she says, jumping down from her barstool. “He said he really wanted to go to The Crown. He was really insistent about it, actually. It was kind of weird. He doesn’t normally get involved with stuff like that. But, listen, Lexie, I really have to go; I’m exhausted. I just want to get into bed and watch some of my gardening shows. I’ll probably see you tomorrow, though, seeing as you’re working here now? Say goodnight to McTavish for me.”

She gives me a wink that’s really out of character for her, then she’s gone; off to watch something about … did she really saygardening?

“Hey, can we get some service over here?”

A voice from the table Jett abandoned gets my attention, and I go over to take their order.

“Just put it on Carter’s room tab,” says the actor who’s playing Mcduff, chuckling. “He did say it was his treat, didn’t he, guys?”

They all laugh, and I shrug my shoulders and go back to the till, trying to remember what McTavish showed me about how to add drinks orders and room service to the client’s tabs. It’s not particularly tricky, thankfully, especially given that there aren’t that many cabins to begin with; I’m guessing only the biggeststars are staying here with their assistants, while the rest of the cast and crew will be in a hotel in Inverness or somewhere.