Page 83 of Blindside Saint

I share the sentiment, but by now, they’re more like annoyances than threats. At least, it’s what I’ve talked myself into. I don’t freak out anymore. It’s another part of my life I’ve come to accept.

If this is the price of loving Beck, it’s one I’ll pay again and again.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” He towers over me, partly because he’s tall and partly because I’m sitting on the bed.

I don’t really have an answer that will satisfy him. “I don’t know. Maybe because every time I get a letter, you get that look on your face.”

“What look?”

I stand and wag my finger in front of him. “That look. Thethis is my faultlook.”

He shakes his head and sits beside me. “If you don’t tell me about these things, I can’t protect you, Sloan.”

I try out a nonchalant shrug that really doesn’t feel that nonchalant. “At least they aren’t bringing the notes in the house anymore, right? And really, they’re more like creepy love letters now than threats. From a certain angle, if you tilt your head and sorta squint, it’s almost… cute. Right?”

I know he’s upset. I know every letter that comes to me from this maniac adds a little more worry to his plate. But until they find out who it is, I can only control and help him control how we react to this shit.

He looks at the letter again and his face pickles up with disgust. “I hate this fucker. He better hope the cops get to him before I do.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and tucks me in closer to his side. “I don’t know what I would do if something happens to you.”

“I know.”

He sighs wearily. “You ready to go? If there’s traffic, you’re going to be late.”

“It’s a doctor’s appointment for a pregnant lady. I’ll just tell them I had to stop to pee. They’ll understand.”

Chuckling, he helps me to my feet and we go downstairs to the car. “I’ll keep you safe, Sloan,” he promises as he buckles me in. “I’ll always keep you safe.”

“I know,” I tell him again.

And I really do. Because Beckett Daniels is a man of his word.

He is also a man who doesn’t like sitting in a crowded waiting room full of women in various stages of pregnancy. For the first few minutes we’re here, he tries to hide behind a Guns & Ammo magazine. A cluster of hens in the corner seems to recognize him, and they’re gossiping behind their hands while staring intently in our direction. I can sense his unease.

But then he scowls, throws the magazine back on the table, and grabs my hand. “So what if they know, right?” he mutters.

I wince and squeeze his fingers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about having them take us through a private entrance.”

“Fuck it. I don’t mind people knowing. I like that they can see that you’re mine.”

Smiling shyly, I nuzzle against his shoulder and close my eyes. Two minutes later, a nurse comes through the door and calls my name. The hens go frantic, instantly Googling me, I’m sure; doubly so when Beck gives them a saucy wave as he walks to the back with his arm looped around my shoulders.

The nurse directs us to an exam room and steps in behind us. She listens to my heart, takes my blood pressure, and frowns.

“Is your blood pressure usually high?” she asks.

I frown. “I, uh… I don’t think so.”

She nods and starts entering information on her computer. “Everything okay at home? At work?”

Not even close,I want to say. Out loud, I just hum, “Yeah.”

Beck clears his throat. “She’s had some… stress.”

“Mm. Stress. Okay. I’ll just put a note in and the doctor can check it again when she gets in here.”

I nod. Beck waits until she leaves before he turns and peers at me. “Are you alright, Sloan?”