Page 41 of Blindside Saint



I spent an entire day job hunting, putting in applications, slipping my resume to human resources directors, failing miserably at finding gainful employment.

The only place I didn’t try in the greater Seattle area is the diner from whence I came. And that’s only because the Bloodhound is a frequent flier there, and I don’t need to see him with any more regularity than our already forced meeting times.

I’m sure I could walk through the swinging front doors and go straight back to work in my ugly pink uniform shirt and hotpants, but Beck will lose his shit if he finds out I’ve gone back to work slinging burgers while I’m carrying our precious offspring.

But the Bloodhound will get his pound of flesh one way or another. So maybe I don’t have a choice about the diner. Of course it will only work for a couple months. Five, six, maybe, until my belly pops.

Then what? No way will I have made enough money to keep the Bloodhound at bay until I can push the kid out and get a job to support myself.

Right now, after the day I’ve had, it all seems so hopeless.

Beck strolls into the kitchen and smiles, but it isn’t the kind of smile that reaches his eyes. This one is tight and controlled, as if he’s angry and trying not to look like he is. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” I watch him as he pours his coffee, as he stands behind the counter trying to look calm, but I can still see the anger.

“Where were you, Sloan?” I open my mouth to answer but he holds up a hand to stop me. “Never mind. I don’t care where you were, since you made it back safe, but I do care what happens next. So let me be very, very clear: you will not, from here on, fromthis fucking moment forward, you willnotleave this house or go anywhere I don’t know about. And you will always be accompanied by security.” Not so controlled now, his fist clenches on the island countertop in front of him. “Do you understand?”

“I’m sorry, Beck.”

“Sorry?” he spits. “Sorry?What if something had happened to you? Or to the baby? Do you think about anyone else ever or is it only what you want?”

That’s unfair and he knows it. Well, maybe that’s not totally true. He doesn’t know the whole story. I wish I could tell him everything he needs to know, but I can’t. I won’t.

Not yet anyway.

“Nothing happened.”

“This time,” he emphasizes. He blows out a hard, exasperated breath. “I’m not holding you prisoner, Sloan. This shit is for your safety.”

“No, Beck. If we’re going to get down to it, let’s be completely honest and say it’s soyoudon’t have to worry about my safety.”

He rounds the island swiftly, with a grace a man his size shouldn’t have. “Iamworried about your safety. You could have an army of fucking indestructible robo-security around you, and it wouldn’t put my mind at ease.”

“I don’t want that.”

“I’m well aware.”

He also seems to be aware of how close we suddenly are. I am, too. His fingers are twined through mine and he’s standing in between my parted thighs, his torso warm and huge and smelling so good. His words are little more than a breath against my skin.

I push a weak palm against his chest. “We can’t fall into bed every time there’s something to work out.”

No matter how good it is.

No matter how much I want him.

No matter…

His fingers tighten around mine as he sighs. “Even if we never fall into bed again, I’m going to want you and this baby to be safe.” His sudden smile is soft as he brushes my hair back from my face. “Whether you want to be or not, we’re in this thing together.”

“Yeah,” I murmur, letting my gaze fall. “Together.”

It’s silent for a moment before Beck withdraws his hand. “I have to go back to the arena for a while. We have some team meetings, but we can go out for dinner tonight if you want.”

“I would love that,” I say hollowly.