Page 38 of Blindside Saint

I gnash my teeth. “Fine. You don’t want my money, then I won’t force it on you. But you sure as hell aren’t getting an apartment. You belong here, with me, where you’re safe. Everything else is a problem we can figure out in the morning.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her back against my chest. “I’m sorry you had a shitty night, Sloan.”

She mumbles a barely audible “Thank you” into my chest. But she lets me hold her. I need it as much as she does.

For a while we lie together on the sofa and just hold each other. There isn’t much talking.

“We could go upstairs where you aren’t in so much danger of falling off the couch.” She speaks so softly I’m not sure she’s actually said or if I’m hallucinating in that zone between asleep and awake.

“I don’t want to move.”

“This can’t possibly be comfortable for you.”

She tries to sit up but I hold her down, her body mostly trapped under my arm and between me and the back of the couch.

“I’m fine. I really am. I’m taking advantage of this rare opportunity, actually. You don’t ever lie this close to me in bed. Not unless I’m literally inside of you.”

She wrinkles her forehead. “I do so. I lie on top of you.”

“From time to time. Which, just to be clear, I very much enjoy.”

“Like I very much enjoy being held. Here or in bed.” She wriggles closer, her ass grinding against my dick. The only thing stopping sex is the clothes between us.

I could fix that pretty quick, but somehow, I don’t think a good fucking is going to solve her problems. But if she doesn’t stop rubbing her sweet little body against me, all bets are off, and she’s going to get laid whether it helps her or not.


I can’t see her face, but I can hear her naughty little giggle, and just like that, all my good intentions are gone.

She doesn’t seem to mind. She’s holding onto me, to the back of my head by a handful of hair, and as she kisses me back, her leg curls around my ass, holding my dick in place so she can keep grinding against it.

Her hands fumble under the blankets and pull my cock free from my sweatpants. I pull her leggings down at the same time, she lines me up, and then I thrust into her from behind.

We fuck slow for a few minutes, but I don’t want to come. Not yet. I want to savor this.

So I pull her off of me and lean back to get a good view. I bite down on her neck, sucking the skin until she’s moaning and panting and her body is writhing. Grinning shyly, she shucks her shirt and wiggles her bra away. When I kneel in front of her, she sighs and lets her head loll back on the armrest.

I part the thighs and inhale her scent. She’s glistening with her own juices and I want to taste her, but first, I want to look at her. I want to savor this second where she completely trusts me,where her body is bared to me, for me, and the only thing she wants in this minute is more of what only I can give her.

When I’ve looked for long enough, she reaches for me. “Please, Beck, please.”

I kiss my way south and when I finally reach her pussy, she’s ready. The first taste is manna from heaven. My tongue probes and swipes, swirls and tastes, while she tenses and untenses beneath me. The soft little moans she gives me are fucking delicious.

She is sweet and salty and I could do this all day, but she is writhing now and I have to hold her still. Her body goes liquid first. That is when I know that she’s ready. I slide a finger inside her and then her walls clench and she’s bucking, holding my head so I’m on the ride with her as her hips lift off the sofa then crash down again.

When she’s finished coming, I become the needy one. I need to be inside of her, need to feel her heat wrapped around my cock.

She slants me a sensual glance and licks her lips. “My turn.”

I shake my head. Not because I don’t want her to wrap her full lips around my cock, but I need to fuck her.

“Not tonight, baby.”

And she nods. “Yes, tonight.”

When she stands and draws me up with her, I have no choice but to let her, but to stand still with my dick pointing due north when she sinks to her knees and pulls it deep into her mouth, into her throat, keeping her eyes on mine the whole time.

My knees go weak. She’s using her hand and her tongue to kill me.

And my god, I’d let her.