Page 39 of Blindside Saint

She’s got my balls cupped in her hand and gives a firm squeeze, her nails scraping against my ass. Fuck me. I’m about to implode.

She must know it, too, because she does it all again. The squeeze. The scrape. The smile.

No mortal man is getting throughthatshit alive.

My cock erupts and she takes me deeper, holding me in place with those masterful hands and that glorious mouth. I can’t breathe. My knees are trembling and my cock is throbbing cum down her throat by what has to be the gallons because the spasms won’t stop.

When I’m completely emptied, she stands and wipes the corner of her mouth. That right there is hot enough to get me hard all over again.

“I’m having aDear Diarymoment and you’re the star of it.” She pauses. “Or is it aDear Penthouse Forummoment? Do they still publish those?”

“Definitely,” I deadpan. “Excellent informative news articles in that particular publication.”

She laughs. “I don’t imagine a guy who has your lifestyle has much time for porn.”

“No, you’re right.” I give her a long up-and-down. “I much prefer the real thing.”

We fuck twice more, then fall asleep in each other’s arms. For one blissful moment when I wake up, I’m as happy as a man can be.

Then I remember Viv and her God’s-gift-to-Beck attitude, and just like that, the old familiar rage comes roaring back.

I leave Sloan sleeping—she’s fired anyway, and if unemployment is good for anything, it’s catching up on your beauty sleep—and drive myself to the arena.

Viv’s got a shaming coming.

I stroll into Coach Walker’s office first. He’s here, because duh, he’s always here. He looks up at me in surprise when I walk in. “Daniels. You’re here early. What’s up?”

“I want to talk to you about Vivian.”

He chuckles. “Weirdly enough, she has an appointment to talk to me about you.” He steeples his fingers in front of his mouth. “I assume you aren’t here to discuss how wonderful she is?”

“I’m here to discuss kicking her to the fucking curb. I don’t need her anymore. I’m not drinking. Not partying. There hasn’t been a headline printed about me in weeks that’s anything but positive. Get rid of her.”

Coach sighs. “First, Vivian comes bitching about your girlfriend and now, you bitching about Vivian. Quite the little love triangle you have going on now, isn’t it?”

“It’s not anything even close to that, Coach.”

He sighs and strokes his mustache. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t hire Vivian; that was all upper management. Above my paygrade. I’m sorry, but there isn’t much I can do.”

“She’s trying to destroy my life instead of helping me stay on the straight and narrow.”

“Unfortunately, she has already filed a complaint against Sloan. We all know it’s bullshit, but she has witnesses. Sloan shoved her. It’s on camera and everything.” He shrugs like Viv didn’t earn that shove and a hell of a lot more. “Nothing I can do unless Viv fucks up.” When I open my mouth, he holds up his hand and adds, “Which involves more than just pissing you off.”

“This is bullshit. I don’t need her. Idoneed Sloan.”

“She works for Viv’s company. For Viv.”

“And the company that Viv works for gets paid out of my money.”

“Doesn’t matter. They aren’t going anywhere until the front office says so. And they aren’t going to say so as long as you’re banging the help.” He shakes his head and folds his hands on top of the playbook. “You made this bed, Beck. Then you laid your girlfriend in it.”

Whether he’s doing it on purpose or not, I am not a fan of his punniness. I shoot him an unimpressed glare. “So, I’m stuck with her.”

“We all are.”

Well, we’ll just see about that, won’t we?