Page 6 of On the Brink

The woman walked to a table in the middle of the restaurant without looking Dog’s way, her focus on the fuckwad owner. She hung an enormous purse on the chair and sat facing away from Dog, giving him a ripping view. Her pants wrapped around a sweet, heart-shaped ass, and his cock nudged his zipper with more insistence.

Beth brought their meals. The aroma of charred meat made Dog’s mouth water, but he couldn’t pull his gaze from the blonde.

Spike waved a hand in Dog’s line of sight. "Hey. How 'bout some attention on Luke? It's his engagement celebration."

Dog resisted an eye roll. Who the hell gets married when so much free pussy existed? Between the strippers, club whores and sweetbutts, a brother could get any relief he needed.

Honoring Spike’s request, Dog lifted his beer to the brother on his left. "To Luke, the biggest shithead I know."

Luke laughed and tapped his bottle against Dog’s.

"Tell him what you told me," Spike said, shoving a fry into his mouth. "About why you’re marrying her."

"Yes, Luke,” Dog said, raising an eyebrow. “Please enlighten me. I'm all ears."

Luke's face turned an uncomfortable shade of red, but he didn’t hesitate. "Sophie’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, outside the club. It's not just the sex, though that's great. She's…real. She's not like a sweetbutt or a club whore. She gets me." He hung his head a second, then looked up, right at Dog. "With her, I get peace."

Dog held his expression neutral, but his chest flattened like a Harley engine had dropped on it. He’d never found it, but he knew what Luke meant. A woman who understood him, who wanted more than material things, protection, or the status of an old lady. Someone who wantedJason, not ‘Mad Dog.’

For a moment, Dog returned his gaze to the blonde and let his imagination go there. Her tending his wounds after a fight, him massaging her feet after walking in those heels. Talking about their troubles over dinner, making those troubles fade away by their pleasure in bed.

Huh. She’d probably find him as attractive as dog shit on her stiletto.

But if not, if she were interested, willing….

Dog squashed the thought. He couldn’t risk it, given what was inside him, a legacy from an ass who treated his family like a personal punching bag. She deserved better, someone who could be there for her, not a man who needed the ring to relieve a rage that never died.

Dog lifted his bottle again. "Glad you found that, brother. I really am."

Luke’s eyes filled with tears.

“Why don't you girls hug it out,” Spike said and shoved Dog. Dog pushed his hand away, laughing. They were being pussies.

Cutter snickered. “You talk so purty, Luke. Sophie get hot when you ramble on like that?”

Luke wiped his face and shot him the bird. “Fuck you.”

“No, thanks. You ain’t my type. I got women to suck my cock.”

Dog’s gaze slipped to the blonde. Beth was placing a burger, fries, and a glass of dark beer in front of her, no doubt one of those craft brews Asheville was so famous for. Yet another symbol of their incompatibility.

No, definitely not long-term potential, but he wanted something. Maybe a taste, one night between her thighs, one sweet night of pleasuring her she’d never forget.

“You ready for the fight Saturday?” Cutter asked, hamburger in hand.

Dog grunted. “When am I not ready for a fight?”

“Yeah, but this one’s different,” Cutter said. “Nate’s an ass, and he fights dirty.”

Dog’s jaw clenched. Nate. Everything about the bastard was dirty except his appearance. He came off like he was better than everyone else, but Krystal, the Devil’s Seed House Mama, had found out otherwise before they’d taken her in.

“No one’s as good as Dog,” Luke said.

Dog nodded at the comment but didn’t release Cutter’s gaze. “You think I’m gonna lose?” he asked, his voice icy.

“Hell, no,” Cutter replied. “I just wish Krystal had reported his ass for what he did to her. Those mine jackholes get away with too much.” He rubbed his scar, something he did whenever he thought about the local feldspar quarry. He’d spent time working there before he’d patched into the club, and he didn’t like the memories.

Spike took a swig of beer and shrugged. “Which is why she’s under our protection now. They can’t get to her again.”