Page 48 of On the Brink

Charley glanced at her phone just as Dog came into the room. His hair was damp from the shower, and his clothes were fresh.

“You ready to go?” he asked.

Charley was about to answer when a partially clothed Adele walked into the room. Partially clothed because the tank she was wearing with no bra left little to the imagination. But then, why should they have to imagine? They’d seen it all anyway.

Charley stiffened. “Way past ready.”

Adele approached Dog from behind and stroked his shoulder. He turned, and his arm bumped into her prominent breasts.

She looked into his eyes, her gaze inviting but also calculating. “I’m feeling better now, Dog,” she said, placing a hand on his chest. “Remember what I said—you need to relax, you come to me.”

She cast a nasty smile at Charley and then sauntered away, a seductive swing to her hips.

Charley stood and strutted a fast pace toward the exit. “Are you coming?” she threw over her shoulder without looking.

Outside, Dog mounted his bike, and she got on behind him, sitting as far away as she could and still hold on. A ride on winding mountain roads that could not end soon enough put them back in Edwards and in front of her cottage. She hopped off, shoved the helmet into his hands as he silenced the engine, and spun toward her house.

It was a crunch on the gravel drive that stopped her. A glance behind her caused her brows to rise. Black SUV, tinted windows. It must be Nate.

Chapter Seventeen

The dark SUV pulling into Charley’s driveway behind Dog’s motorcycle looked just like Nate’s. He must be there for Dog.

Nate slipped from the passenger side as the driver turned off the engine. When he rounded the front of the vehicle, Charley got her first real look at him. His blond hair, cut short on the sides and longer on top, highlighted a wide brow. An aquiline nose and square jaw surrounded full lips which were drawn into a smile. She couldn’t help but admire the way his Ralph Lauren shirt contoured his chest muscles, and the Kiton jeans hugged thick thighs. He was an attractive man. Different from Dog and nowhere near as sexy, but handsome just the same.

When she turned to meet him, Dog grabbed her arm. “Don’t,” he growled. “Let me handle this.”

She jerked her arm away. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

Dog scowled. “I will when you act like this.” He dismounted and stepped between Nate and Charley. “What do you want?”

Nate smiled. “I want to meet the lovely woman who’s had so much of your attention.” He dodged Dog and stuck out his hand to Charley. “Hi. I’m Nate. Dog and I go way back. Friends from high school.”

Charley took his hand for quick shake and smiled. “Charley. It’s nice to meet you.”

This was the man who had Dog tied up in knots? He was polite, complimentary, and had an air of sophistication about him. There was nothing untoward about him at all. “So glad you dropped by.”

Take that, Dog.

When she tried to remove her hand, Nate tightened his. “It’s nice to finally meetyou. Feels like Dog’s been running interference, like he doesn’t want the competition for the new girl in town.”

Charley’s face began to heat. “I’m not exactly new—” she started, but Dog threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her away from Nate’s grasp. She was beginning to feel like a hydrant about to get peed on.

“Me and you are not friends, and you got no business with Charley. Now get back in your vehicle and move on.”

Nate’s smile turned a little sinister. “Guess that’s up to the lady to decide, if I throw my hat into the ring. Speaking of, looking forward to tonight. Hope you’re good and ready to get your…” Nate glanced at Charley, “…well, let’s just say, to suffer a grand defeat.”

Look at that. A man with the manners to not curse in front of a lady.

A growl started in Dog’s chest, but Nate seemed unconcerned and turned to Charley. “Are you coming tonight? I could get you a ringside spot. Maybe you’ll let me take you out for a drink afterward. Dog won’t be in any shape to do it.”

Realization was a fist in Charley’s gut. Adele had talked about a fight tonight. Now Charley knew. Dog was going to fight Nate.

She shuddered. “Oh, I don’t know. Violence is—”

Dog’s arm dropped from her shoulder, and in two steps, he was up in Nate’s face. “Stay away from my woman, you asshole.”

Nate laughed. “Language, language, Dog. So, she’s your woman now, huh?” He cast a glance Charley’s way. “She looks way too classy for you. She know all about your club’s activities? The women like my ex?”