Page 18 of On the Brink

“He didn’t want the break-up. It took a while for him to understand I was serious about it. He says he’s not coming, so I’m taking him at his word.”

Dog narrowed his eyes. “More reason for me to stay.”

Charley didn’t know what to say to that. Fortunately, she didn’t have to respond because Nurse Lopez returned to the room.

“Time for vitals again,” she said in a chipper voice.

The clock showed it had only been an hour since she last visited.

Charley’s brows folded in a frown. “So soon? Do I need such close monitoring?”

“Vitals every hour,” she said as she removed a stethoscope from around her neck and put the ends in her ears. “The data will help Dr. Niles determine what the best course of treatment is for you.” She wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Charley’s arm, pumped it up, and placed the flat end of the stethoscope on her arm. She watched the meter and frowned. Charley didn’t like the look on her face.

“150 over 100,” Nurse Lopez said. “That’s going the wrong way, missy.” She tilted her head toward Dog. “Is this man stressing you?”

Charley shook her head. “Not that one. One from home who just called.”

Nurse Lopez tsked. “Don’t make me confiscate that phone. Only peaceful thoughts from here on if you want to get out of here.”

She moved to the end of the bed and made notations on the chart hanging there. “How was your lunch, handsome?”

Dog gave her a heart-shattering grin. “Good. Thanks for that.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome. Can’t have you keeling over. More work for me.”

She replaced the chart and wagged a finger Charley’s direction. “Rest. Relax. The doctor should come before too long. He was late to rounds because he was up with you last night. But he hasn’t forgotten.”

“Thanks. I’m eager to be released.”

“Then get those numbers down,” she said and pulled the door shut.

Charley tried to squash a yawn but was unsuccessful.

“Take a nap,” Dog said as he slipped his phone from his cut. “I got shit I can do from here.”

“Okay. But you really don’t have to stay.”

“We’ve had this conversation. Don’t need to have it again.”

Charley resisted an eyeroll because, even though he was bossy, it felt good to have him there. He wasn’t asking anything of her. She didn’t feel like she had to do anything but take care of herself. She knew it wasn’t true—work was piling up—but in this moment she could let it all go and just be.

“Okay, but if you change your mind—”

“I won’t,” he said without taking his eyes from his phone.

Charley’s eyes wanted to close, but her phone vibrated along with the Popcorn sound. Livvie’s name displayed on the screen. She hit the Accept button.


“Girl, why didn’t you call me?” Livvie said, her voice shrill. “What happened? You okay? Tell me you’re okay.”

“Calm down. I’m doing okay. Something happened last night that sent me to the hospital. They ran a bunch of tests, but I haven’t heard any results yet. I was waiting until I knew something. Who told you?”

“Wes. Called me two seconds after you shut him down. Wants me to come take care of you. You need me, you say the word. Me’n Shelby will be in the car. I don’t want you going through this alone.”

Charley’s gaze rested on Dog who was thumbing through his phone. “I’m not alone. A very kind man helped me last night and has chosen to sit vigil with me.”

Dog caught her eye, and Charley smiled.