Page 17 of On the Brink

And withthatunfortunate bit of information, Ben exited the room, leaving the door open.

“Well, now isn’t that just dandy!” Charley said with a huff.

“You want half of mine?” Dog asked.

Holy crap, could this man be any sweeter?

Charley pursed her lips. “No. If you’re holding vigil on me, you need to keep your strength up. I’ll make do with my low-fat, tasteless meal. That doctor needs to hurry up and release me, so I can get some real food.”

Dog smirked and dug in. Charley eyed hers with distaste but cut the rubbery chicken. They ate in companionable silence. The meal was as bad as she suspected.

Just as she finished, her phone rang. A glance at the caller ID had her stifling a groan. Wes. What could he want? With reluctance, she touched the green ‘Accept’ circle.


“Charley!” Wes said, his voice more animated than she’d ever heard it. “Oh my god! I just heard. What happened?”

Jennifer. What was she thinking, telling Wes of all people that Charley was in the hospital? She was definitely going to have words with her over this.

“Where are you? Tell me what hospital. I can be there in two hours.”

Oh, no. He was not going to use this as a way back in. It had taken Charley too long to convince him it was over.

“That’s completely unnecessary. I’m fine. You stay in Charlotte.”

Wes gasped. “Not when you need me. What hospital? The internet said Asheville has several. So many different campuses of one called Mission, a VA branch, though you wouldn’t be there, Asheville Women’s Medical. That’s where you are, right? Women’s Medical? I’m heading toward my car right now.”

Crap, that was so like him. He always researched something to death before taking any action.

“No! Don’t come here! It’s not necessary, and, frankly, I don’t want you here. We talked about this. You need to respect my wishes.”

The sound of traffic indicated Wes was in the parking lot. “But you’re hurt! Or sick! Youneedme.”

Good grief, he’d actuallywhinedthat last verb. The heart rate monitor started beeping like crazy again, and Dog’s gaze flicked to it. Charley took a deep breath to calm down.

“No, I don’t. What I need is for you to stay where you are. Don’t make me tell the hospital staff to keep you away from me.”

Dog shifted in his chair, rattling his silverware, and Charley glanced at him. He was staring at her, and his expression had turned thunderous. Wes really shouldn’t come to Asheville.

“You wouldn’t do that,” Wes said. “You know I love you.”

“And you know I don’t return that sentiment. I’ve tried to be kind. Please, just stay in Charlotte. Don’t make this any harder on yourself.”

There was a deep sigh on the line and then a moment of silence. “Fine. You’ve made your point. I won’t come. But it pains me to think of you up there in the hospital alone.”

Charley cast a surreptitious glance at Dog. It was clear he was listening to every word she said. She was so not alone it wasn’t funny.

“I’m hanging up now,” she said. “Thank you for your concern, but I will be fine. Good bye.”

She touched the red “End” circle and let the phone drop to her lap.

“Boyfriend?” Dog asked. His voice had an icy edge to it.

“Ex. Evidently my assistant can’t keep her mouth shut.”

He leaned forward in the chair. “Seems like the ex doesn’t know where he stands. He givin’ you trouble?”

The look on Dog’s face would have given the bravest man chills.For some strange reason, it made Charley feel safe.