Page 72 of The Hotel Manager

“I’m just curious.” I shrug.

He seems to be mulling it over like he’s thinking about telling me, which is more than his usual cutthroat attitude.

“We are not sure if Natalie was involved.”

It takes me a second to process what he’s saying. I shake my head. “No, that can’t be. She loves Mason. She would never do that to him.”

“She also loves her mom.” Sighing, Griffin leans forward and props his elbows on his knees. “I’ve known Mason and Natalie for a very long time. Nat was really close to her mom.”

I stare at him in shock, remembering them talking about an inside job earlier. Still, I can’t wrap my mind around Natalie betraying Mason. I just can’t imagine it.

“You need to see a doctor.” Griffin changes the subject, his voice firm.

Before I can muster up a no, Tank signs something to Griffin that makes him sigh in annoyance. He gets up quickly and disappears down the hall.

“What was that about?” I ask Tank, who answers with a shrug.

A moment later, Griffin returns with a nurse in tow. As they get closer, I recognize her as one of the people who took care of me the last time I was here. She’s pulling a cart behind her with medical equipment and a pole for an IV.

“Hello, Teagan,” Nurse Carina greets me. “I heard you haven’t been eating or drinking.”

“Snitch.” I give Tank an accusatory glare. He doesn’t seem bothered one bit. As a matter of fact, he has a little bit of a smug grin on his face.

“I got something special for you.” Carina beams. “You’ll feel so much better after this IV nutrition.”

I don’t feel like fighting her, so I agree to the stupid IV. She does it right here in the waiting area. Carina also cleans the marks on my wrists and bandages them up. I’m glad I don’t have to look at them. Right now, I just want to forget what happened today, though I know I never will.


The first thingI notice when I come to is the heavy smell of disinfectant and harsh cleaning solution in the air. The second is the low but consistent beeping from the heart rate machine. I’m definitely in the hospital. It takes me another few moments to open my eyes to be greeted by the bright overhead fluorescent lamps.

“Who put these annoying lights in?” My voice is raspy, and my throat is raw.

“You did,” Natalie says.

Squinting my eyes, I search for my sister. I find her sitting next to my bed, looking like shit.

“What happened to you?”

“Me?” She laughs humorlessly. “I’m not the one who got shot.”

It only takes a second for all the memories to rush back to my mind. Teagan kidnapped and tied to a tree. My mother alive… our mother ordered to kill me.

“Nat…” I stumble over her name, trying to find the words to tell her.

“Dallas already told me,” she explains flatly, her eyes trained at a random spot on my blanket. “She got away, but we will find her and eliminate the threat.”

I wince at the thought. “You talk like she’s just a random person.”

“At this point, she is. Wouldn’t you agree? From what Griffin told me, the woman we used to call Mom is gone.”

“Where is Teagan?”

Natalie still can’t look me in the eyes. “She let the nurse check her out and push fluids, but she left when you came out of surgery.”

I try to sit up. Stupid idea. Pain shoots from my chest, radiating out to my limbs. Fuck, my whole body hurts.

“Don’t try to get up, idiot.” Nat rolls her eyes at me. “You’re lucky you’re even alive. The bullet missed all your organs. Went straight through you.”