Everyone stares at Presley, compelling her to finally explain. “This is a vibrator remote.”

Charlotte covers her mouth with both hands. “Are you serious?” Her words come out muffled.

“I don’t get it,” I say.

Wade pinches the bridge of his nose.

Harley looks as confused as I do.

Charlotte remains horrified.

Presley rests her hands on my forearm and begins gently, as if explaining things to a five-year-old. Which is fine, because I’m totally lost. “This remote sends signals to a panty vibrator. You can turn it on and off here, and this button here controls the intensity,” she says, pointing out the tiny switches.

“How do you know that?” I ask her.

Presley rolls her eyes. “Because I picked it out for Grace when she said she’s been having trouble with her libido! And later, I was doing some last-minute shopping at the antique place when I saw the owner filling a box marked for ‘Grace Wood,’ and I offered to help. I thought it would be funny.”

“Holy shit, Pres,” I say, not sure how I feel about all this.

“Dude, stop staring at my wife when she’s explaining sex toys; it’s creeping me out,” Wade says.

“I have no idea what’s happening!” I say, turning to my brother. “If this does what she says, then where’s the other…thing?”

Three pairs of eyes stare at me, waiting for me to figure it out. Harley’s brow is furrowed in confusion, but then a realization dawns. “Oh. Oh, I get it.”

“You do?”

Harley lifts an eyebrow. “Bruh.”

Finally, it hits me.

The way Grace hinted at me to check on her in a minute.

She’s been acting so weird all day.

And just a minute ago, she shot up, squirmed, and shuffled out of the room.

The flush in her cheeks when I arrived. Her horny kisses.

Everything fits into place now.

I rise from the table and excuse myself. “I’m gonna go check on my wife.”

Wade pushes his chair back and clears the empty bottles and cans from the table. “The MBA and founder and CEO of Wood Brothers, ladies and gentlemen.”

“Don’t forget this!” chirps Presley, handing over the remote.

I take it and give her a salute as Charlotte snorts through her fingers.

The two women giggle as I swagger slowly up the stairs to our bedroom.



First, I light the fireplace, then I strip down to my tank top and panties and curl up on the bed.

And I wait.