“Yeah, fine.”

A growl left me as I smashed the button. I didn’t even care how high the numbers were as Elec walked away. My stare went back, staying fixed on the woman’s face as I kept increasing the stupid bid. She was young. Maybe twenty. Fuck, I hoped at least twenty because young was not what I was into. Even early twenties were pushing it, but it’s not like I was choosing her to date. Like Elec said, she was an outlet. I needed one of those if I wanted to return to my regular life. A life I didn’t even care to think about either. It was all a fucking joke. Maybe some time here wouldn’t be so bad.

My Master number flashed on the screen as I once again clicked. Turning to look behind me, I made sure Elec was gone before I picked up the binoculars that were sitting on a small table next to me. The slave up close had me swallowing hard as I took her in.

From above, she was gorgeous. Her aura couldn’t hide the sophistication she projected. It made no sense outside of her looks, but she felt…more. Worthy of so much more than this. I took in her features again, correct on my assessment as I moved to her eyes. They weren’t brown but a vibrant emerald color. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen anyone with eyes so green.

Moving down, I took in the column of her neck, fixating for longer than I should. When I got to her breasts, I felt no shame for lingering. They were on the smaller side. Maybe one handful. Maybe slightly more. They weren’t as big as I liked, but they’d work. Going further, I took in the curve of her hips. She’d had an ass too if I could remember correctly. She was thicker than most of the slaves, powerful-looking thighs. Powerful, yes. She’d be a good fighter. More of a challenge. The longer I looked, the more I liked about her. So much so, I hadn’t even realized how aggressively I was hitting my button. Aggressive…like I liked.


“What is this? Is this for real?”

The two men who stood before me looked at each other, and then back to the paper. A proper slave would have kept her head down. A good slave would have done what she’d been taught. That would never be me. I was not raised to cower or be controlled; I had been meant to lead. Just because I had been taken out of that life didn’t mean I’d start now.

“Let me see that.” The taller man I knew as the Main Master took the file. There was confusion drawing in his lips, and even a small amount of disbelief crinkling his brow. As he scanned down the profile meant for my new Master, he appeared just as confused as the man who bought me. “How peculiar and rare. I should have known about this.” He looked up, pinning me with hard eyes. “Taken from a caravan? You’re a gypsy?”

My native tongue poured from my lips. Curse words my mother would have beat me for if she would have heard.

“Great. She doesn’t speak English, either? Elec, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“She speaks English,” he bit out. “Our slaves are evaluated and trained. If she didn’t speak the language fluently, it would be in her chart.It’s not.A gypsy though, really?”

At his question, I allowed my eyes to cut away from him in dismissal. It was a mistake. Fingers twisted in my hair painfully, forcing me to my knees as the Main Master’s other hand came around to lock on my face.

“I asked you a question. You dismiss me once more and you can kiss this opportunity goodbye. I’ll replace you, and you can burn. Answer.In English.”

Something close to a growl and cry left me as I welcomed the pain and jerked against him. He wanted answers, but I could barely think straight to put English words together.

“You insult me. Gypsy is a dirty word. I am Romani. Clara Orlah. I am a prize. Betrothed totheDonavon Bordelli. Opportunity? This is an opportunity? Burn me.”

“Bordelli. I’ve heard of them. Gypsy royalty. I should have charged more for you. There’s plenty of men who would love to break your spirit.” He let go of my face, reaching into his pocket. With his teeth, he twisted a top free, rolling more oil over my forehead while I jerked against the hold again. Within seconds, emotion began to fade. Heat flared in a roll of pleasure, but I still fought.

“Her accent sounds Russian or something.”

“Maybe a little, but it’s not that,” the Main Master said, letting me go. “The Bordelli have their own language. I’ve heard about this. Not much, they’re very secretive, but they travel around in groups. Some are big; some are small. These people live a completely different lifestyle than most. They’re very superstitious. That’s what I hear.”

“They.” I made a spitting motion off to the side before rolling my eyes. “You know nothing. The Bordelli are like no one. We are our own. We are right.”

“Sure you are.” The Main Master’s mouth tightened into a line at his disapproval. He looked over, uncertainty masking him. “I bid on her first. I’ll allow you to cancel or replace her, but only this once. I’m not doing this as your friend. This was my mistake.”

Brown eyes scanned my face. It wasn’t angry or annoyed like the Main Master’s. There was amusement. Even a slight smirk on his handsome features and it tried to vanish under the question but failed.

“No mistake. I can handle her. We’re good.”

Surprise flashed over his face, but the Main Master shrugged, almost seeming to understand something I didn’t. “If you say so. The oil will keep her calm for a little while, but she’ll be a lot more trouble when it fades. Are you sure?”


“Okay. Have fun with that. It might be exactly what you need. Let me know if you run into any issues. I’ll get you your own vial if you need it.”

The Main Master handed over my file, stepping back. “Don’t forget about breakfast. There are shackles in the room on the floor. I made sure to have some put on your bed too. Keep her locked up while you meet me, or your day will be a hell of a search. She’s a runner, and she’ll do it at the first opportunity. Mark my words. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

“I’ll be there.” He turned to me as Elec walked away. For seconds his eyes studied me. When he shrugged out of his suit’s jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, I let caution come back to the forefront. He was handsome, yes, with his dark hair and dark tanned skin, but he was a lot older than me. Not old, in the sense. He couldn’t have been but in his early thirties, but still, I couldn’t see myself choosing him if I would have met him outside these walls. Maybe it was because I’d been so sheltered. Truthfully, I had been downright clueless before I got here, even concerning whether I wanted to marry Donavon, but I didn’t have a choice for fear we’d be banished. After all, we’d been promised to each other since I was ten. I couldn’t back out. It was the way things were. Our views on all things were so different than here. Just like a lot of daily habits people did so freely. Food. Eating. Rituals. Showering. Everything they did was so carefree where the Bordelli were strict on cleanliness. Here was so…wrong. It all scared me and promised of hardship to come. I didn’t know what to believe. We didn’t talk about things like sex or even periods. It was forbidden. Dirty in the Bordelli’s eyes. I had been so unprepared for life. Formarriageafter what I’d seen in the shower room with one of the b’s and a guard. I wasn’t sure what to think about any of it.

“Stand up.”

I obeyed as my new Master pulled at the lapels, tightening the jacket around me even more. I reached, holding to it as the damn thing swallowed my frame. Swaying, I quickly caught myself.