He stretched me further, sliding the other tip of his finger inside me. When he brushed his thumb over my clit, the burn was addicting. I almost started begging him for more. It was right on the tip of my tongue. So close all it would take was a word. But I wasn’t there yet. Almost…but not quite.

Master B-1212

Ishould lock her up and leave now. Isn’t that what my conscience was warning me to do? It was one thing to fight her into submission, something completely different to take advantage of her while she was drugged up. Not that I’d thought too much on it when I fucked Porsha on her pills. Still, hadn’t that been a different situation entirely? Voluntary on Porsha’s side? It was hard to say.

Too many questions kept barraging me. Morality and the lack thereof waged a war. How could I say I owned her, that I could do whatever I want to her, and then go back on my word as if I hadn’t said it. I had. She was a slave, and in that moment I sure as fuck had every intention of treating her as one. I still did, and that was the biggest war I was facing. I was a Master here. If I wanted to leave, I had to accept this. The fact that I was even arguing with myself internally had to count for something, right?

“Clara, what do you feel?”

Such a ridiculous question. I could clearly see. If I only knew how the oil worked, maybe it would have helped to gage her mindset. She either wanted this or not, but could I believe any answer she gave me? Surely it wouldn’t interfere with her truth. It sedated; it didn’t alter her fucking mind.

Would it matter if it did?

“You have to speak. Your body may be close to release, but what about you?Answer me, slave. Do you like this?”

The silence had me removing my fingers to slap against her pussy again. She jumped, moaning out. Her face grew even more flushed as she writhed below me. If she wouldn’t have been a virgin, maybe I would have already fucked her on the spot. Thing was, I had no idea who she’d turn into once my cock got inside her. The pain could trigger another episode. One I wanted even more by the second. I’d never had a virgin before…but I sure as fuck did right now.

Bringing my palm down hard over one inner thigh and then the other, Clara went back to sobbing and trying to press her legs together. She didn’t scatter or try escaping. She was dealing with the pain, even when I hit her harder than I should. Thing was, I had to gauge her threshold. More importantly…I was curious to see how far I would go without consequences. Death didn’t interest me, but…no worries. No limits. I did like that.

“Make it stop. Make it—”

She gasped as I leaned over, bringing my hand back to cup her pussy. Her hips arched and she let out a cry as I rubbed through her juices, easing two fingers in deep. When I hit the wall of her virginity, I cursed, more in agony for my hard cock than the annoyance of the wall I was going to break through.


Hers would be on me by the time I was done. She’d be truly mine when she’d been meant to marry another man. Why that was so satisfying, I had no idea. It had never appealed before, yet now, in this moment as I watched her beautiful features tightened with her approaching orgasm, I felt the power the entire situation held. He’d be looking for his pretty little virgin. Mourning her disappearance…and she’d be here, fucking me. Crying out and moaningfor me, her Master.

I liked it.

“You want me to make it stop?”

I tugged at my belt, jerking open my pants as her lids squeezed shut. I took them off, still waiting for her to come more to her senses. The slave’s legs were spreading while the hands restrained underneath her were fisted so tight the digits were almost white as they held to the blanket.

“Master. What is this…happening? It won’t…stop. I can’t.” Her legs kicked out around me, only to draw up closer to her body. When my finger lightly circled her clit, an agonizing sound filled the space with her plea. “Master?”

Vibrant green met me. As Clara took in my undressed frame, she sobbed, rocking her hips. I grabbed my cock, levelling it at her entrance. Easing the tip inside, I stroked my length, testing how it’d even feel to be inside of her. My slave pushed down, crying out as I bit my teeth into each other at the tightness. My head still wasn’t completely inside of her, but that’s as far as I could get. One small push forward and I’d hit the wall marking her virginity. I was so tense; I was almost content to just stay here as I continued stroking myself. It was hot keeping that piece of her intact. I could still come in her. Just like this. I could even watch cum shoot right into what was mine if I pulled back enough.

The possibilities ranged as she moved against me. She was so close, trying to ride me, wanting more. She liked it, and so did I, but like always, pleasure wasn’t enough. Instinct had me sitting back and wrapping my hand around the side of her neck as I caressed the front with my thumb. I eased in even more, securing my grip, using it to bring her down to the point the wall stopped me. Clara jolted in pain at the contact, and her eyes met mine. She didn’t thrash or fight as she kept moving, needing more to push her over the edge.

“Fuck, this pussy is good.” I brought my weight forward, watching her eyes flare at the shift of my hand. It completely covered the front of her throat. I gripped, testing my strength against the delicate area. “I could get used to this, slave. You put up a good fight, but it isn’t over yet.” I used my other hand to tease her clit while I continued to let her control the rocking.

“This is bad. Es…” Another whimper as the two languages collided. “It’s not coming. I can’t.”

“Because I don’t want you to yet. Do you play with yourself a lot?”

I increased the motion over the sensitive nub until tears were leaving her again. When she didn’t answer, I squeezed her throat making her go wild as I took away her ability to breathe. Legs shifted and tried kicking against me, and her head went back and forth as she attempted scooting away from me at the same time. With my hold locked on, she didn’t stand a chance. Mass shades of red darkened, and I only let go when her fight began to ease from impending unconsciousness.

Clara gasped, sucking in air but coughing.

“When I ask you a question, you answer.”

“N-Never. I never play.”



“Not once?”