My head shook.


The way his eyes watched me as he counted, he was ready. His gaze was eating me alive. My Master liked this.


I started to inch left, watching him mirror me. I moved right, and so did he.


Darting towards the room, I turned, throwing my weight into the door and feeling him crash into it before I could close it. I screamed, wedging my feet with the wall as I managed to hold him off from getting in. There were still a few inches before the barrier shut, but it wasn’t opening anymore either.

Laughter. It joined in with my grunts as I gave it everything I had. One minute I was pushing, the next I was flying back at the crash. The door flew open, and I rolled, digging into the carpet as he jerked my ankle, pulling me. When he lifted and slammed me to the mattress, he didn’t cover me with his weight as I expected, but he did climb on the bed. Instead, I was being flipped over on my stomach.

“I can’t help but wonder if this is what you’ve really been waiting for. I saw your face when Elec forced you down. The way you increased your pain when I caught you and brought you here. You just can’t stop yourself, can you? What does it do for you? Do you secretly like it? I want to see.”

Buttons popped off at the pull of his shirt, and his knee was in my back as he took it off and began restraining my wrists with the material. The fire in my throat increased through my screaming, and I was trying to catch my breath from the heavy weight as he secured me and flipped me back over to face him. At the sight of him hovering over me shirtless, my voice caught in my throat. I was panting, even crying, but I wasn’t jerking anymore.

I’d seen a few men shirtless during my life. My father. Relatives. People who were allowed into the caravan to help with services. Well, I only saw one of those shirtless, but I had been younger, and the stranger had gotten covered in mud to help us get unstuck. This man, this Master…he didn’t look like them. He was all hard muscle and small circular scars. Seeing my Master shirtless was different. Forbidden, just like all the other nude slaves I had been surrounded by. All of this was not right, and yet I couldn’t get over how my mind was having a hard time deciphering what I should feel.

“Why did you run to this room, Clara?”

He lowered the smallest amount, digging his fingers in hard to my inner thigh as he spread them. The pain should have broken the spell I was under, but all it did was drag me down deeper into the unknown. Into a part of myself I’d spent a lifetime hiding away. How had he gotten all those scars? What was this sudden pressure of need making me move against the bed? My skin was tingling. My head was beginning to shake back and forth for reasons that made no sense.

“I knew you were a fighter.” Harder, his fingers squeezed into my flesh until my whimper couldn’t be held. Tears spilled down my face, and I wasn’t sure whether to keep fighting or see what happened. It could get worse either way. He wanted me to fight. I wanted to fight. The outcome wouldn’t favor me if I chose to go that route, but I also couldn’t give up now and just let him touch me. Dirty. It was all…wrong.

Twisting my hips to try to get away, my Master spread my legs even further apart. He slapped at my inner thigh with enough force to have me crying out. Oddly, it had me moving my hips to a sensation I didn’t understand. My breaths were still labored, desperate, and for what, I didn’t know. I hated this, but my body hadn’t been my own since the oil was rubbed on me.

“Fuck. I don’t even have to touch you to see how wet and swollen you are. God dammit. You’re the dumbest girl alive. Beautiful, but so damn naïve.”

“And you are a monster. Stop looking at me.”

My accent was thick against my tongue as I tried to think outside of my language. Again, he savagely squeezed my thigh as I tried to shut my legs.

“I own you.I will look.” His finger traced down my most private part, slapping over the sensitive nerves as a moan forcefully left me. “I will touch. I will taste.” He sucked my juices from his fingertip, shocking me silent. “And I’m going to do with you what I want. It’s that simple. You just figure out how you’re going to accept all of that. Painfully…or….”Slap!“Painfully. I don’t think either of us would have it any other way.”

An aggravated sound left me as I rolled to my side. My legs coming together only trapped his hand deeper between my thighs, right to the one place I dared not touch. At least not up to this point. Before, privacy was not encouraged. I shared a small sleeping area with my brother and sisters. We females showered in the same area, but never together, just always taking turns. Complete isolation was few and far between. Not that I hadn’t thought about this or how it would be when Donavon and I married. The curiosity was there, but I still wasn’t sure what exactly to expect.

“No. You can’t.” Heat poured from me as he rolled me back to stare up at him, and again, he spread my legs. What was wrong with me? I had been manageable before, but now that his hands were all over me, so close to the ache I tried ignoring, I couldn’t find the strength to physically fight to make him stop. Did I even want to anymore? I had no opinion. No thoughts other than the pleasure building as he traced the outsides of my folds.

“I can and will. You like this.” His fingertip dipped into my entrance, and my eyes shot open. Not for long. They rolled back as I shook my head hard, trying to break myself from the spell. The action was my only denial. “Answer me. I want to hear you say it. I won’t have you twisting this in the morning.” His other hand lifted, and fingers pushed hard into my cheek with enough force to have my jaw separating. Pain webbed through my face and my small scream barely sounded like me at all. “Answer.”

Still, he continued teasing me, waiting for me to respond. I didn’t know how. I wasn’t even sure what exactly was going on.


The brief flare of pain over my private area had my head flying forward. My lids shot up, and I was on the edge of panic as something built deep inside me. There was such need. Such emptiness.



“This isn’t…right. I’m wrong.”

My Master’s eyes narrowed through his confusion. I wasn’t making sense, but my words were beyond this tsunami of sensation that was about to explode through me. I dropped my head and hair covered my face. I cried out as he slid his finger deeper inside of me.

“It has to be the fucking oil.” My Master cursed. “It does this to you? It makes you want this?”