“I think we’re done discussing things for the time being. Shower.”


“Slave. Clara.” I gestured to the room trying to ignore how that word so easily escaped from my lips. “I will not be attacking you in the shower. You’re safe for the time being. I need to make some calls anyway. I’ll stay in here. I believe Elec mentioned clothes in the closet. Go find something while I take care of some business.”

“You’ll stay out here?”

“I didn’t say that. I said I’d stay out of the bathroom while you showered. That room belongs to me. I’m the Master, remember?”

A collection of emotions flickered, but none I cared to pick apart. My focus wasn’t on Clara or sex right now. Not really. There were unresolved issues I had on the outside world. Things I just couldn’t walk away from. And hadn’t that been what happened? Porsha overdosed and died, still wearing my marks two days later, and all hell broke loose. I was swept out of the city so damn fast and flown here, I hadn’t even been able to call anyone besides my secretary. Lauren said she’d take care of my appointments for the next few weeks, but business didn’t work like that. I’d be lucky to have a fucking job when I returned.

Footsteps padded off into the distance as I flipped the odd-looking phone over, trying to see what made it so different than my own. It was flat. Average size. Why hadn’t I been able to bring in mine? Maybe they worried one of these morons would snap pictures or something. Not like they couldn’t from this thing. It had a damn camera, but I had to leave it in the apartment when I left to the outside world so perhaps that was it. None of it made any damn sense to me, but with all the security measures it took to get inside, perhaps they had it all sorted out. As I hit my secretary’s number, I quickly discovered the answer. No service. The phone didn’t even ring. What the fuck was this shit?

My eyes closed as I took a deep breath. When I opened them and dialed my father’s number, same thing. Nothing. I snatched the packet from the coffee table, pulling out the papers that had been thrust at me when I arrived.





Numbers…I scanned over them, seeing Elec’s but not even wasting my time to call him. This phone was obviously only able to work within this place. Every number I came across began with a pound symbol. That didn’t help me to connect with the outside world. The realization only had my blood heating even more.

Water sounded in the distance, so quiet I could barely hear it. I didn’t have the patience to worry about the slave right now. She was cute. Tempting even, but for what? Did I even know what I wanted? It’s not like I combed the streets, hunting out my next victim to choke and beat. Women came to me. They were never in short supply, but even that didn’t mean I behaved in a way that would warrant me here. Hell, Porsha was the only one I’d even been with in the last few months, and that was mainly because I knew she was falling deeper into depression. She’d been my best friend. My true best friend, and I loved her. Maybe not the traditional way, but I would have done anything she asked me. Anything…but kill her like she’d wanted. Hadn’t she been begging me at the end?

Red hair flashed before me, spanning over the light pink sheet she’d had on her bed. My hand was around her throat, holding, not squeezing.

“Do it, Rob.”Tears were pouring from her swollen eyes as I fucked her slow. Fucked her back to life? I could have only wished she was still the lively woman who’d been the light in every room she walked in. That light had burnt out years ago. Burnt out possibly because of me. Maybe she thought we’d become more. Maybe she thought she could get over her assault back in college. She never even told me the story behind that, but I knew it was bad. She hadn’t been the same for quite some time, and a huge part of me blamed myself. I should have pushed more for the truth. I should have tried to get it out of her. I knew Porsha. She would have never told me if she didn’t want to, and she never did.

“Rob. I’m waiting. Rob.”She loved my hand around her throat, but she didn’t want me to stop this time as I held it around her securely. Holding, not choking. What she begged for I couldn’t do. Almost, but I stopped in time when I almost hadn’t.“Please. Rob. I can’t do this anymore.”

“I can’t do this anymore.” I squeezed my eyes shut, repeating the last thing she’d said to me. I finished fucking her, but she didn’t so much as tell me goodbye as I’d left. Just her pleas and finality. They kept repeating the entire time, and hadn’t that been why I’d gotten so angry towards the end? I had been drinking that night, but it was clear what happened. I hadn’t been so far gone that I’d been oblivious to the truth.

Minutes went by as I mindlessly paced. Even when Clara headed back into the living room wearing a long nightshirt, I didn’t stop or give her much attention. There had to be a way to figure this all out. If I could only think, I could come up with a plan.

Sounds were soft in the kitchen, pulling me from my focus. The slave was looking around, albeit very cautiously as she watched me. For some reason that only made me angrier. I was so sick of everyone looking at me like I was some sort of snake. As if I were ready to attack and no one was safe. I wasn’t a good man. So what. You could fuck the devil without losing your soul. You could have rough sex without killing. It’s not like I was some murdering monster. Unless I was, and I was too crazy to see it.

“I’m hungry. I was too nervous to eat. May I…Master?”

I waved my hand as if I didn’t care, too concerned over my own grief and needs to worry about hers. I just wanted her gone for the meantime; away from me so I could sort this out. I’d only just lost Porsha. Why the hell had I even been tempted to purchase her? Because of her hair? Because she reminded me of a woman I loved as much as I hated?

Or maybe I should face the truth. Maybe Elec was right, and I knew I was out of control. I was sated right now and fresh off from committing my deeds. The time was going to come when the inferno in me burned once again, and now that I had a free hall pass to do as I wanted, I wasn’t so sure how long I’d be able to hold it off again. I could, but would I really want to if the opportunity presented itself?

I took in the damn curls that were already lifting. Tight little spirals wound round and round, twisting and turning through their long length as they were already beginning to show signs of their wildness. Her hair was unruly when it was dry. Unruly like I wanted her. Unkept. Rebellious. In need of discipline to a degree I saw fit. In time. Or not. Did it even matter anymore? It’s not like I’d get in trouble. No one would ever know. But that wasn’t who I was. It couldn’t be. And then there was Porsha and the guilt. Maybe I just needed to throw myself in this slave and forget. Forget? No…but yes.

Fuck, I needed a drink. Something strong enough to drown out these conflicting thoughts. What a fucking mistake this all was. Nothing seemed right.

“Hurry and eat. I need to go out, and I’ll have to chain you up. I don’t have the patience to deal with any dramatics at the moment.”

Small hands paused from whatever she was making on the counter. “You’re leaving me here?”

“Not for long.”

“I won’t leave. I’ll stay inside.”

“Sure you will. I’m not risking it. Hurry up. I’m going to change out of this stupid suit.” Even as I spoke, I was already heading to the room. The moment I broke the threshold of the closet, I stopped in my tracks. My head cocked to the side, and something told me to go back. Had I heard a sound? If she—