Hanging up, I started to head left like the slave said, quickly finding out it wasn’t that simple. The floor was opened, and there were lines formed going into different showings. I had no idea what movie they’d chosen to see.

“Clara?” I called out her name, pushing through people as I searched out red hair. With as short as she was, it was impossible to see over the masses that were waiting to get in. “Clara! Slave!”

Heads turned, but I didn’t pay them any attention. I made it to the front, pushing the remaining way to the concession stand.

“Hey. Hey you. Slaves!” At the roar of my voice, the three wearing yellow headdresses turned to view me. “I need you to page my slave. Her name is Clara. Tell her to come to the front to meet her Master.”

A short, dark-haired girl nodded, coming feet towards me as she picked up a phone.

“Slave Clara, please come to the concession stand, your Master is waiting for you. Slave Clara, please come to the concession stand.”

“Thank you.” I stepped back, spinning and taking in all the entrances, praying she’d hurry and come out. Guards pushed their way in, here and there. I knew they were looking for her as well. Minutes passed. Longer. Panic had me sweating as I jerked the phone back to my ear. It was answered immediately.

“Elec, I had her called over the speaker. She’s not coming. I can’t find her.”

“Stay there.Do not leave.I’m looking into some leads now. I’ll call you when I know something.”


“Don’t be shy. I know this isn’t your house, but you’re family here. I mean, after all, your Rob’s slave. I’ve known Rob since his elementary days. I’ve practically watched him grow. Did you know I was his father’s doctor for over ten years before he became vice-president? I even attended to Janey when she got sick. That was fun. We were all so close. We would have been closer had I accepted his father’s proposal to join him at the Naval Observatory, but how could I do that and be here at the same time, you know?”

A sob left me as I stole a peek over to fifty. She was slumped to the side in her chair, foam seeping from her mouth and trailing down her chin. The white of her eyes were dotted red with broken blood vessels, and I couldn’t stop jumping and crying out every time she twitched and jerked.

“Please. I want to go home. My Master—”

“He’s busy, child. Did you not hear his father? The two men have his future to discuss. They don’t need you in the way while they talk. Eat. Be a good girl. I’d hate to have to sedate you even more.

“I…can’t. I’m not hungry…I want to go home.”

“If you run for that door again, you’ll get more than punishment and a shot. That hit to your cheek was only a warning. In this house, we obey or there’s consequences. I won’t choke you like your Master, but I can steal some of your air so you can’t breathe. Do I need to do that? I have a shot for that.”

It took everything I had to shake my head. I was so heavy, and I couldn’t stop the sobs. Why hadn’t I run before this? Why didn’t I make them drag me from the apartment kicking and screaming? I hadn’t wanted to come at all, but Rob’s father practically pushed me out. How he even got a key to begin with was beyond me. I’d been so excited when the door opened, thinking it was my Master, but when I saw the older man, panic set in. He was a stranger, and he was in our home. He didn’t seem the least bit phased by my fear. He stood with the door opened, talking to Sixty-three as if they’d known eachother forever, which it appeared they did,

“Please.” I sniffled, squaring my shoulders as best as I could. “I would like permission to call my Master. He needs to know I’m here and safe. He will not be happy when he finds out I left. Please, it’s an emergency for me. I’m expected…” I sobbed so hard I could barely continue. “I’m a good slave. Let me make my Master happy.”

“You’re a good slave?” His arms crossed over his chest as he stared me down. “You weren’t the first night I saw you; you were running.”

“I learned. I’m better now. I’m good.”

“Perhaps you’ve changed your stripes. Then again, you’re still not eating, so I highly doubt it.”

“But…you’re not my Master. Master has a schedule like you. I already ate. I can’t have more.”

His eyes narrowed as he continued to try to read me. I felt sick as my stomach rolled. I had no idea what he’d shot me up with but with every minute that went by, I felt even more tired and nauseous. After what I saw fifty go through, I prayed my fate wasn’t the same. I couldn’t die like this. I wasn’t ready to leave my Master. We’d bled for each other. We’d purged out the past…for what? For a worse future? Was this the price I was now having to pay?

“Master, please. Can I call to tell him I’m okay?”

Harder his stare became as he glared.

“Maybe I can’t blame you since you’re basically an illegal, but you must have some common sense. Rob’s father is the Vice-President of the United States.Vice-President.Second most important man in our country. You really want me to allow you, a slave, to call and interrupt their meeting?”

“My Master will be angry if I don’t. Please. I’ll make it quick. I beg you.”


“I will not!”

I forced myself to my feet, falling two steps in my race for the front door. My adrenaline only got me so far, and it wasn’t far at all. The room was beginning to spin, and bile was burning the back of my throat as I clawed to the wooden floor.