I grabbed the card from my pocket, sliding it in and opening the door. Before the barrier shut, intuition told me something was wrong. It wasn’t the silence or even the absence of my slave, it was the energy. Something I’d heard Clara speak about since I’d gotten her. It was wrong. The hair was standing up on my arms, and my pulse was picking up, slamming into me with every step I took.


Pushing the card into my pocket, I headed for the bedroom. My ears perked, taking in everything from the patting of my shoes on wood, to carpet once I entered. The bed was empty. I threw the closet open, rushing to the bathroom. Nothing.

“Clara.Slave.”I spun, running for the door. The minute I opened it, I jerked to a stop. “Father.”

“You don’t look very happy to see me. What’s the matter, making yourself at home?”

“You could say that. Come in.” I waved him inside, more switching out position so I didn’t have him in the way of the door. “You’re going to have to wait here. I have to find my slave.”

“No need.” He took the fedora from his head, revealing white hair. His piercing brown eyes never left me as he held to the hat, keeping it in his grip as he dropped his hands.

“You know where Clara’s at?”

“I do.”

“Well?Where is she?”

“With George, of course. He said you all had plans to go to the movies. She didn’t want to go, but I assured her you wouldn’t care. After all, we needed to talk anyway.”

“You didn’t…” My head shook and I didn’t stand around to hear another word. I pulled my phone from my pocket, running for the elevator at full speed. I had no idea where the movie theater was. As I scanned the large map bolted to a pillar not feet away, the phone rang.

“Come on.Come on!”

“Leave a message.”

“Elec, call me back,now.”

“Where the fuck is it?” My eyes were jerking all over the map. There were so many floors. “Theater.” I spun in a circle, taking in the random Master heading into the small shops filling our lobby area. “Theater! Anyone know the floor?” Eyes flickered to me, but no one spoke.

A sound left me as I hit redial, cursing. A Master and slave headed towards one of the halls, and my hand shot out. “Theater. Do you know what floor it’s on?”

The slave’s mouth opened but she didn’t speak as she glanced at her Master who shrugged.

“You know. Slave, what floor? This is an emergency. Please.”

The young girl immediately looked to her Master for approval. At the nod, I let out a deep breath. One I didn’t even know I had been holding.

“Fourth floor, Sir, towards the left.”

“Thank you!”

The elevator was opening, and I barely made it through the doors as it began closing. Repeatedly, I pressed the button. At my phone ringing, I jumped, fumbling with it as it bounced around my hands.

“Elec? Hello, Elec?”

“Rob, calm down, what’s going on?”

“My father.” I could barely catch my breath. “He sent Clara with Sixty-three. If he knows that she knows…that I know, or you—”

“Got it. Where are they?”

“The theater. I’m on the elevator now.”

“I’ll have the guards try to intercept in case you don’t make it there fast enough.” He paused as I waited for him to come back on. “Alright, they’re going to find her now. I’ll start checking the cameras. Don’t let Sixty-three see you upset. We don’t want to tip him off that we’re suspicious.”

I broke from the door the moment it opened. “Got it. I’m on the fourth floor now. I’m going to try to find this place. I’ll call you back when I have her.”