“How are you feeling? Are you sick too?”

She shrugged. “I’m better than I was last week. I think I’m finally bouncing back. Master said an illness was going around so I guess I’ve just been battling it too. Flu? I don’t know. My immune system has never been good. You can guarantee if there’s something making people sick, I’ll be the first to catch it and the last to have it. Master says I’m lucky to have him with how sickly I am. I think he’s right.”

“It was no flu for me. There’s sickness? Here?” My lids narrowed even more as I watched her chew and swallow. Nervousness hit hard, and my gaze dropped down again to the new candy she brought to her mouth. They were round and chewy, tasting of different fruits. I still had the ones she gave me in my purse from our first visit. I hadn’t really been a fan of their taste, so I didn’t eat many.

“Oh yes. It’s pretty bad from what I hear. Some sort of stomach bug. Something is spreading around. Say, I hear they’re putting out the new movies tomorrow, do you want to go see one with me? Do you think your Master would want to go? I’ve been begging mine and he says if yours agrees, we can all go together.”

Her enthusiasm faded for a moment as she stopped mid-chew. Anxiously, I looked over at our Masters. They seemed to be in deep conversation, but mine kept peeking over at me. Maybe he could tell I was uneasy. I didn’t like being out around so many people anymore. I was paranoid at anyone who got too close. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t erase what I’d been taught. There were too many bad energies, and I didn’t want to get sick again, even if my poisoning hadn’t really come from that.

“I have lots of meal, meals, to make tomorrow, but I’ll ask him.” Words shuffled on my tongue, tripping me up as I watched her force herself to swallow. “It sounds fun, though. A movie could be good. Is that where you got your candy?”

Fifty’s smile broadened. “Oh, no. You can’t buy these at a store. My Master makes them for me.”

“No,” I said, acting surprised. “He does?”

“Yes. They’re my special treat. I get them once a week, and only for the day. I ate way too many the last time and got the worst tummy ache. I even had to get an IV and medicine, I was so sick. Master took such good care of me. He always does. He wasn’t too happy that I gave my first bag to you. I didn’t even get to try them. I was just so excited we were friends, and I was taught to give gifts when meeting someone new. Do you still have them? I can try to get you more if you already ate them all. I think I have an extra bag in the cupboard. Master cuts me off after I eat a few. He says it’ll spoil my dinner, but sometimes I sneak more,” she whispered, smiling. “I think he knows, but he never punishes me.”

“I…” I leaned in, chewing my lip. I couldn’t stop myself from shaking as I kept taking in the candies. For the first time since the injured girl at auction night, I felt it. Fear. True fear. “I still have mine. Do you get sick a lot?”

“Not too much. I mean. I…sometimes. It’s this place. It’s so full of germs from all the different people coming through. That’s what my Master says. I’m so susceptible. I have a weak body. He got me a prescription for some really good multivitamins, so those should help soon.”

I couldn’t speak as I just stared at her. Surely, she was right. I was just overthinking this. She was fine. I was fine. But I hadn’t been after I’d eaten that candy…I’d almost died.

Stealing a look back at the Masters’ table, I twisted my long dress in my lap. Should I say something? Leave it alone? Rob would be angry at me if I were wrong. How many times had I reacted for nothing? I was trying to be a good slave, but I kept finding it harder and harder to be out in public not knowing how I’d gotten sick. Did I know now…or was it something else?

“Twenty-three, are you okay?”

I tried to smile, but my lips barely moved as I pointed to her purse. “I overheard the doctor at the hospital say sweets can make the sickness worse. It could be bad if you think about it. Have you tried not eating them? Those ones? Maybe…see what happens?”

Fifty looked down at where I pointed. “Why would my candies make me worse? Master is a doctor. They’re special. He said…He…Surely, he’d know if they…” She stopped, staring at the brightly colored candy she held to. She looked back at me, and then back to the candy. Time stretched as she began putting it together.

“Maybe just see? A break could be good.”

“I…” She put the one she held back in the bag resting inside her purse. “I can maybe see if it helps.” She got quiet too, joining in my silence as we began to stare at each other. There had to be a million things going through both of our minds, but all I knew was I wanted my Master. I wanted to leave.

“Friend, can you come to my place? Maybe help me rest?”

Her head shook, her gaze lowering to the table. “I should go. I’m suddenly not feeling so well either.” She stopped, refusing to look back up to me. Despite the inner voice that yelled for me not to touch her, I stood, pulling her hand up to kiss. But only the one not holding to the candy. “Be well. Rest. No sweets for a while, please. Just…be safe. Movies tomorrow, yes?”

She nodded but didn’t speak. Maybe I was wrong, but what if I wasn’t? What if my Master found out what I’d put in her head and got mad? He would punish me. I just needed time. I had to see what happened to her being off the candy.

“Clara?” I looked over at my name. Rob’s hand lifted to the older doctor, and he stood. “Are you okay?”

I headed towards him, nodding as I approached. “I’m tired. I want to go home.”

“You are a bit pale.” Worry. I saw it the moment my words left me. Rob’s arm came out around me, pulling me close. “Sorry to end this so soon; she hasn’t been the same the last few weeks. You can tell me more about my dad tomorrow. Same time?”

“Actually,” he glanced to fifty, studying her. “I think we had movie plans. Did you both discuss that?”

I forced a smile, not able to stop my nearly convulsive trembling. “Yes. If my Master agrees, it sounds fun. But she’s sick. I think your slave needs rest like me.”

“Your slave is sick too?”

Rob’s head whipped over to fifty.

The doctor laughed. “Nothing serious or to worry about. I hear there’s a stomach flu going around. A few people fell ill at dinner last night too. I’ve been keeping an eye on her. She’ll be fine.”

“Stomach flu? Great. As if we needed that on top of everything.”