“Bath.” She reached for the knife and for the longest moment I hesitated. God, she could fucking murder me if she wanted to. Question was…would she try?

“You be careful with that.” Reluctantly, I handed it over, not taking my attention from it for a second. I was ready just in case, but I also wanted her to see I was trusting her. It worked as I undressed and climbed in. Clara joined me, sending water nearly sloshing over the side. She stayed on her knees in the deep tub, pointing with the tip to my arm. “Just a small cut. It doesn’t have to be deep.”

My arm extended as she went between my tanned skin and my face. She seemed just as surprised as I’d been that I’d given her the damn knife to begin with.

“No past. New start.”

She bit on her bottom lip as she leveled the tip against my flesh. When she pushed in and blood pooled over metal, she smiled, her gaze jerking up to me.

“Do it a little more. Drag it towards you, slave.”

My cock throbbed at the sight. I didn’t care for the pain, but bleeding for her, it did something to me. I was so used to having my fantasy play out the other way around. Maybe my past was escaping me. Maybe it was turning into reality. Did I feel lighter? Weightless in our moment?

“Life. Put it in water. Purify.”

I obeyed, watching the red swirl free in the clear liquid. It was hypnotizing, just like she was.

“My turn. No more sickness. No more past. Hold out your arm, slave.”

She handed me the knife, and I held under her forearm as I leveled the blade in the area she’d placed mine. Clara sucked in at the puncture, watching as I cut along her skin. I nearly dropped the knife and took her right there.

“Wait.” I let the tip drag against her, not cutting, but trailing the length towards her wrist. “Since you’re the one sick, we’re going to make sure. We won’t risk this not working.” I stopped, pushing through the layers of skin before she could argue. Crimson beaded the small surface, and I angled it to the side to push the tip in once more. A deep inhale sounded but I barely heard. Three wounds. Third time would be the charm.

Blood ran a river over her pale skin, dripping to the water between us. It took seconds to bring my gaze up from the heaven I was existing in.




“Perfect. You’re so fucking perfect, slave. Purify. Be mine for real.”


It wasn’t a question. She was taking the title, freely. Saying it to make it true.

I waited while she put her arm in the water. Mine stung with the contact, but I could have cared less. I reached over, putting the blade on the counter and pulling her into me like I’d wanted now for days. Clara met my lips just as hungrily, driving me past any need I had felt with anyone else.

“Wait. Master. Get your head wet. Go underwater.”

Not even letting her go, I turned to my back, sliding down to submerge us both. It was seconds of sating her wish. I was finished with this ritual and with all the bullshit we’d left behind. We were new. Both of us. Somehow, I held to that.



“Twenty-three, what happened? Are you okay? Master said you were in the hospital again. Did you relapse? Did the sickness come back?”

As I watched slave fifty reach for my hands, I thought about correcting her with my name again, but I’d done that three different times at our last lunch, and twice the one before. I knew better than to fight her training. She wouldn’t call me Clara no matter how much I begged her to, which was fine. If I learned anything in the last three weeks, it was that there were some things you couldn’t change. This was one of them.

“I’m fine.” I slipped my hands back before she could touch them with her energy. “Master just wanted me to go in for a checkup to make sure I was okay.”

“And everything’s good?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

I took in the dark circles under her eyes, shaking my head as she reached into her purse and offered me a candy from the bag that was hidden inside. I was clean now. I didn’t view fifty as dirty in the technical sense, but she was unclean concerning her health. She appeared exhausted. Weak. She even looked as though she’d lost some weight which was alarming. She was already so skinny. Taking the candy she offered was taking her illness, which I was not going to do.