“Why, because I’m dirty? Because you think I make you suffer with this sickness?”

“Not Rob. Es me.”

Tears filled her eyes as I gave a hard jerk at her word. “Lies. It’s not true. And what did I tell you about saying my name. You should have never heard the Main Master call me that. I should beat you for saying it so much.” But she did say it, and it made me warm even more towards her. So much so, I wasn’t sure what to think about it.

“I want to go back to bed. You have to stay away. I’m sick and you’ll get sick like me if you keep touching. You shouldn’t even be around me.”

“What do we have to do to make you better?”

I finally placed her down, turning on the faucet to fill the tub.

“Nothing. It just is. I’ve cleaned what I can.”

“Then we do it my way. I’ll make it disappear. Do you want me to do that?”

“Impossible. How?

Spinning, I went back to the kitchen, grabbing a knife and a lighter. When I returned into the bathroom, Clara’s eyes locked right on what I held.

“You’ll kill me now? I suppose—”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re going to bleed it out.”

She didn’t speak as she stared down at what I held.

“I’ll bleed. You’ll bleed. We’ll release whatever is bad and we’ll start new. New right now. No past. No nothing. Brand new.”

“What is this you say? It’s not true. It’s make up.”

“Make-believe is the word, and no, it’s not.” I took in the conflict in her tone. It had her words thickening in English, which told me she was truly weighing if it would work. Thing was, I wasn’t going to let her get out of this. I pulled my shirt over my head making Clara immediately close her eyes. Her shoulders were caved and despite her lids blocking her view, the tears still made their way free. “See this. It’s truth. These right here.” I gripped her chin, adding increasing pressure as I waited for her eyes to open. “These circles, they’re burns. They tried to cleanse me, and they worked, but they weren’t permanent. This though, the knife, it’ll erase everything Clara. I helped you before, remember? I made the pain go away.”

“But I got sick. I wanted it.”

For seconds I couldn’t speak.

“Because of the oil?”

“Oil made it worse, but it didn’t take my mind, Master. I still wanted it. Now I’m paying for that.”

She wanted me too. No force. No persuasion. Just me. “End it. Cut the tie to your past. Bleed it out right now, and start new with me.”

Clara studied me skeptically. She wasn’t sure whether to believe me, and I didn’t blame her. I was so full of shit, desperate to nip this bullshit in the bud once and for all, especially if I could have her again. Have her my way.Our way.God, I was sick. Beyond fucked up.

“You’re not afraid of pain. I’ll cut me first. No more past. Then, I’ll cut you. We’ll bleed together, and then bathe and get really clean to start over new. What do you think?”

“I think it’s lies but—”

My lips crushed into hers. “Not lies. Us. You and me. Master and slave. A new start. We can do this once a month to make sure it keeps working. This can be our way. Say yes.”

“If we do this, we do it my way. Both of us in the bath. We’ll cut each other and then wash. Not separate, together.”


My cock was hard just thinking about splitting open her skin. If we did this monthly, even better. Whatever it would take to get her on normal terms.My terms. And then we could continue where we left off. Just…better.

I reached over, turning off the water to the nearly full tub. As I sterilized the blade, I soaked in Clara getting undressed. She was still slightly pale, but only because I knew she hadn’t been sleeping well. I planned to change that tonight. I’d put her to bed good. She’d sleep better than she ever had in her entire life. Come tomorrow, I would hold to my word, and we’d start new. But in a place that fit both of us. Clara could bake or cook. I’d make her cater to me. She’d like that. And me, I’d bask in every fucking minute of seeing her happy. She served. Whether she was a fighter or not, it’s what she knew. It’s what she described. Breads. Pies. I wanted to see what she was capable of. Of what made her, her.

“There. Where do you want me? In the bath or here?”