“But I see what you’re thinking. Porsha, now Clara.”

“Clara? You call her by her real name?”

“Are you listening to me? I didn’t do this. I’m not poisoning these women.”

“I’m not saying you are. I truly wouldn’t care if you did. It’s your slave. You can do with her what you like.”

“Do you not see the bruises on her neck. Her arms? All over her? Look. Look at her. I did that. I admit it. This, I did not do.”

“Calm, Rob. You’re getting too worked up. I told you I didn’t think you did. We’ll figure this out. You’re upset, and after what you’ve been through, you have every right to be. Let’s go grab some coffee. It’s nearly been twenty hours. Maybe she’ll wake up soon.”

But I wasn’t sure I wanted to. This wasn’t my Master’s fault, it was mine. I did this. I invited the illness the moment I didn’t fight back. I was meant for another man. Promised to him. It didn’t matter that I’d never see Donavon again. I hadn’t taken vows but that obviously was irrelevant. I was betrothed, despite not wanting to be, and here I was paying for going back on my word.

I gave into the darkness again, refusing to fight my fate as I took the punishment. Voices came and went. Pressure from hands touched me and disappeared. Time. It went by in a blur of nightmares I didn’t want to remember.

“I brought shoes and clothes. I figured since you wouldn’t leave, you could at least shower and change here. I can’t stand your walking around everywhere without shoes. If—”

“Hold on, Elec. Clara? She’s moving her fingers. Slave, can you hear me?”

“Nothing. She’s still out. Rob, go shower. I’ll stay and watch over her until you finish.”

It was as if seconds only passed before light flooded in. I blinked, squinting as a familiar face came into view. Water was going on in the background, and I couldn’t get my thoughts to process as I stared into Elec’s face. His eyes were inquisitive. Curious. I cleared my throat as he held a glass forward. I took a sip from the straw, scanning the room for where I even was. Slivers of something returned, but I couldn’t understand what it was.

“How do you feel?”

“Where?” I cleared my throat. “Where am I?”

“The hospital. Seems you were poisoned.”

“Poisoned?” My head shook. “I don’t understand.”

“None of us do. Why don’t you go over what you remember with me. I’ve watched the tapes. The angle isn’t the best, but I didn’t see anyone slip you anything. The kitchen was clean. Your food was fine. Walk me through that day from the moment you woke up.”

Heat burned my cheeks as embarrassment soaked into my deepest parts. Woke up? I barely slept. Dirty. Yes. That’s right. I did this. I brought the sickness on myself.


“I don’t want to talk about it. Leave me.”

“If I’m going to figure out what happened—”

“Not figure out,” I exploded. “Es me. I did this. I…” Sobs made it impossible for me to go on. A door swung open, and my Master stormed out, wet, his towel still around his waist.

“What the fuck is going on here? What did you do?”

The question was aimed at Elec, but my cries only grew. I didn’t belong here. I was weak. Sick. I had to pray. I needed to clean myself inside and out. And the apartment. I’d have to clean that too or else this would continue. I’d keep getting sick.

“I only asked her to walk me through her day. She got upset. She said she did this.”

“No way, I never left her side. Clara? Shh. No more crying. We’ll figure it out. Tell us what happened. What made you sick?”

All I could do was look at him aghast. My head shook as if he were supposed to know.

“Clara. Slave, please.”

“Don’t.I am not a slave.Youdid this. You and me. I told you this would happen. I told you it’s dirty. All of it. Look what we did. I w-want to go home. I’m sick. I need.” My words were barely making sense as I cried harder. I was so tired and queasy still. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep and disappear from here forever.

Footsteps left from my side. Moments went by before the bathroom door closed, only to reopen. My Master and Elec went right into talking.