“Colpa? What is that?” I looked at all the apples. “Applesauce, or do you mean pie?”

“Yes, pie! Faster,” she laughed.

“I think I gave you too much oil. Where are we going?”

Clara slowed, letting her shoes fall to the ground as she threw her arms around my neck. This was not the same woman I bought at the auction. There was no way. Elec said just a small swipe. There was nothing small about what I did across her back. Fuck. Not that I was complaining at her pulling at my zipper. Still, I’d have to be careful with how much I gave her. The longer the doctor’s words sat in my mind, the more I was starting to think about giving my slave anything. I couldn’t get her used to being like this. Not if I wanted to save myself one hell of a headache in the future.

“Hey.” I stopped her hands making nearly blacked-out emerald eyes shoot up to mine. She was breathing hard, almost transfixed to what she’d been trying to do. And she was shaking, trembling as she let go. Her face appeared to be getting pale, but I wasn’t sure in the dimness. “Back at home. Let’s walk, okay? No rush.”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard, nodding, almost seeming lost for the briefest moment. Yes, this wasn’t my slave right now. Every second that went by she seemed to be even more out of it. “Master…I…don’t feel very good.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I think that’s my fault. Here, let’s get you home.”

My arm wrapped around her, pulling her in close as she gagged. Once. Twice. But nothing came up. I led us to the light in the far distance, watching to make sure she didn’t become sick. The orchard wasn’t extremely large, but it was a generous size. When Clara began to stumble, I had no other choice but to scoop her into my arms. She could barely stand anymore as she clutched her shoes and tiny purse to her chest.

“Slave, talk to me. You’re not going to be sick, are you?” But she could barely hold her eyes open. Had I fucked her up so much with the oil? She wasn’t even writhing or doing anything sexual anymore. She was just dead weight in my arms as she tried to look at me. “Clara.”

My steps grew faster, moving to a light jog until I was reentering the light of the city. We were at the far end now, close to the main gate. I headed for the elevator, scanning one of the signs. Pounding thudded in my chest, beating against me so hard that I could barely stop pressing the damn button for the elevator. When it opened, I lunged on, once again hitting the hospital’s level on the third floor.

“Clara.” I growled through my fear as a Master and slave gave me more space. She was so pale. Her eyes rolled, but she was beyond consciousness, and it made my stomach twist and tear as guilt washed away any shadowing status as a Master I had. I wasn’t without empathy. I felt something, and fault pulled in all the blame I harbored concerning Porsha. Maybe on some level I killed her, but that was questionable. Here…I was every bit responsible for my slave’s condition.

“Move.” The order boomed from my voice as the door opened and people began to try to crowd on. I ran forward, not caring that my shoes had fallen from my fingertips at the bump against another Master. I turned, pushing with my back to open the glass doors that enclosed the hospital. “Hey, you! I need some help.”

People looked up from the front desk, but my eyes were on the white coat that had been looking over paperwork. He was already rushing towards me. From his stare, I knew he recognized me, but I didn’t fucking care. I would not be responsible for killing my slave. I would not add another number unintentionally to my list of dead fucking lovers.

“What happened?”

Hands grabbed at her, but I couldn’t let go as he rushed us into a room not feet away. I sat Clara on the bed, only giving the doctor just enough room to start checking her eyes with the light.

“I don’t know. I mean, we were fine and she just…I gave her oil earlier. About two hours or so ago. She was fine. We had lunch. We socialized, then, this. It happened so fast.”

“Oil? From here?”

“Yes, the fucking oil. The one to calm the slaves. Could I have given her too much? Did I…?”

The doctor barked orders as nurses began filling the room.

“Master, you need to give us space. We need you to go to the front and fill out the required paperwork.”

“Like hell—”

“Master.” The doctor’s eyes narrowed with his own authority. “I am in charge here. Go. I’ll let you know what’s happening when I figure it out myself.


“Overdose? You said it was fine. I didn’t fucking do this intentionally, Elec. You didn’t warn me what would happen if I put too much. How the fuck was I supposed to know I’d almost kill her?”

“Calm down, Rob. She’s fine.”

“She’s not. Do you fucking see my slave?

“It wasn’t the oil. It couldn’t have been, we’ve checked it thoroughly. I’ve even had slaves bathed in that stuff and not once did any have a reaction like this. We’ll get to the bottom of it, okay? I have every test available being run on what was in her system. If it exists, we’ll find it.”

I tried blinking, moving, anything but laying here unresponsive, but darkness was all I saw. It was so heavy against me, pulling me back down to the root of the real issue. Hadn’t I known this was going to happen? Hadn’t I welcomed it with open arms after my behavior? I’d been ready to give in to my Master. I had wanted him right there in that apple orchard as I was beginning to get sick, and my God knew that. He knew and was punishing me at my evil, dirty ways.

“I don’t like the way you’re looking at me, Elec. I didn’t do this.”

“I’m not saying you did.”